amakauz in #hive-161155 • 13 hours agoFive Minute Freewrite: A Strange CommissionSource Duke is a born footballer. Whenever he plays football with his peers people always enjoy his football antics and the way he scores goals. Iamakauz in #hive-174695 • 2 days agoLet's Make A Collage Round 222: Entry III (Recreation)Hello everyone and warm welcome to my participation in round 222 of @lmac collage. To take part in this round of contest, please have a look at the Announcement Post aamakauz in #hive-161155 • 2 days agoFive Minute Freewrite: Artificial DogSource Gaius lives within the highbrow area of the municipal council. Over the years the Gorran estate has been an area exclusively reserved for the bouramakauz in #hive-161155 • 4 days ago Five Minute Freewrite: The Other NorthSource Few years ago, the hinterlands of the kingdom of Kedus was known for producing fine red oil and allied products from the palm. This made their bays hot zonamakauz in #hive-161155 • 5 days agoUrge: ZapficMonday 50 Words Story Source The reigning boxing champion was expected by all to roll over his opponent as most saw him as a green horn. But the reverse wasamakauz in #hive-161155 • 6 days agoFive Minute Freewrite: Discuss This More.Source Politics has always been a hot subject any time any day. Whenever any poamakauz in #hive-161155 • 7 days agoFive Minute Freewrite: ImplicationSource Kenny was recently transferred to one of the out stations of their company. His line of duty requires that he reports toamakauz in #hive-161155 • 8 days agoFive Minute Freewrite: Lowest Court In The LandSource The boundary tussle between the two waring neighbouring communities took a dangerous dimension when women whamakauz in #hive-161155 • 9 days agoFive Minute Freewrite: Kick Him HarderSource Rudolph has won the annual horse race competition for three consecutive times. His horse named Boxer has been doing the magic for hiamakauz in #hive-161155 • 10 days agoFive Minute Freewrite: Unpleasant Lump Source Keith had planned to attend a friend's wedding by noon. She was also running late to pick up her kids from the nearby daycareamakauz in #hive-174695 • 10 days agoLet's Make A Collage Round 222 - Golf Course: ENTRY IIHello everyone and warm welcome to my participation in round 222 of @lmac collage. To take part in this round of contest, please have a look at the Announcement Post aamakauz in #hive-161155 • 11 days agoFive Minute Freewrite: Peel The Skin Off Source The national government declared a two days holidays to enable people travel and get enrolled at their variouamakauz in #hive-161155 • 12 days agoFive Minute Freewrite: Director of the MovieSource Janet loves movies. Shee likes horror and romantic ones more in particular. Anything sci-fi and cartoons are not her thing. In her collectiamakauz in #hive-161155 • 13 days agoFive Minute Freewrite: Bury The Evidence Source Jane left the loaf of bread on the table and hurriedly prepared for her kids for school and then took themamakauz in #hive-161155 • 14 days agoReturn - ZAPFICMONDAY 240 CHARACTER STORY Source Shane left home two years ago in search of pastures. He believes that upon his return he'll affect lives positively. Unfortunately, his eamakauz in #hive-161155 • 15 days agoFive Minute Freewrite: Approve of Me.Source Joanne is seen as many as a tomboy. He wears men's clothes, barb their style of hair and ane play footballamakauz in #hive-174695 • 16 days agoLet's Make A Collage Round 222 - #1 EntryHello everyone and warm welcome to my participation in round 222 of @lmac collage. To take part in this round of contest, please have a look at the Announcement Post aamakauz in #hive-161155 • 16 days agoFive Minute Freewrite: Plant A TreeSource Any people crave for clean and green environment devoid of environmental a d natural disasters. That wish was far awaamakauz in #hive-161155 • 17 days agoFive Minute Freewrite: Applied For The Wrong JobSource Juhel Limited is a reputable pharmaceutical company in the Savannah Republic. They are known foramakauz in #hive-161155 • 18 days agoFive Minute Freewrite: I Need ThisSource Joanne's young girl Pearl is about ten years old. In a fortni