PostsCommentsfranciawrites in #hive-147010 • 4 months ago💛 Julio en fotos. | July in photos. 🇻🇪💛_El mes de julio empezo muy alegre me hice una cola y según yo parezco un cocker spaniel. | The montfranciawrites in #hive-147010 • 5 months agoUn domingo diferente. 💕 A different Sunday.![gVF87v8gvpneUqLq_IMG_20240707_135franciawrites in #hive-187189 • 6 months ago🥑🥗Salad day | Día de ensalada 🥗🥑![BnVrpFJZ4CyknFgI_IMG-20240626-WA0009.webp](franciawrites in #hive-187189 • 6 months ago✨💛 The cutest toy store! | La juguetería más tierna!💛✨franciawrites in #hive-147010 • 6 months ago🥗Dinner at the Hotel Belensate Mérida | Cena en el Hotel Belensate Mérida🥗![7GlxamN7DGRgvFTr_20240218_220431.webp](franciawrites in #hive-147010 • 6 months ago🍦Mi heladería favorita | My favorite ice cream shop🍦![oYqdYV7VmRaM5F82_IMG-20240614-WA0003.webp](franciawrites in #hive-163772 • 6 months ago🐆🐊🐅Zoo in Merida last day🐻🐸🕷️🐍These are the last hours we spent in the city and we stopped by the zoo. I would like to comment that I am notfranciawrites in #hive-147010 • 6 months ago☕🌫☁A coffee shop in the heights (4,045 masl) | una cafetería en las alturas (4.045 msnm)☕ 🌫 ☁![1nkZ3k9J1vWzACiL_20240218_172727.webp](franciawrites in #hive-147010 • 6 months ago💛📷A little bit of May in 8 photos |Un poquito de mayo en 8 fotos 📷💛![clwzst3m100ro55sz7984brzd_Imagen_de_WhatsApp_2024-06-03_a_las_21.31.21_116e09f7.webp](franciawrites in #hive-163772 • 7 months ago🚙Merida cable car. Road trip day 2 🚙We went from our city on a road trip to Mérida and this is what we did on day 2 I can't explain my excitement for the first time on the cable car. Every time I came to Mérida…franciawrites in #hive-163772 • 7 months ago🚙 Mérida Main Market 48 hour road trip day 1 🚙My friends and I went on a road trip to Mérida from our city and this is what we did on day 1 We left as early as possible from San Cristóbal, Táchira state. Which is about…franciawrites in #hive-147010 • 7 months ago💛 Bazar de emprendedores | Entrepreneurs Bazaar 💛![clw94go45006e66sz29yf5hnu_Imagen_de_WhatsApp_2024-05-16_a_las_05.59.11_cda0ede6.webp](franciawrites in #hive-147010 • 7 months ago❤️🌹Happy Mother's Day! ❤️ Feliz Día de las Madres! 🌹❤️![clw6xk2nn0005kkszaxxq4fkj_IMG_3626.webp](franciawrites in #hive-147010 • 7 months ago🎂 ¡Feliz cumpleaños a la mejor mamá del mundo! 🎈🎂Happy Birthday to the Most Amazing Mom Ever! 🎈![clvz9ttvk01kitmsz225w5l4k_Imagen_de_WhatsApp_2024-05-09_a_las_08.59.56_63222783.webp](franciawrites in #hive-147010 • 9 months agoreviviendo una peluca | reviving a wig 💁🏼♀![cfranciawrites in #hive-147010 • 9 months ago🐈⬛😺Gatito sale de paseo un domingo | Kitten goes for a walk on a Sunday 😺🐈⬛![clu6z4vp700ry6jsz0wic24t9_IMG-20240325-WA0006.webp](franciawrites in #hive-100067 • 9 months ago💕🍝La pasta casera de mi corazón. | The homemade pasta of my heart. 🍝💕Hola amigos de Hive! Hoy quifranciawrites in #hive-147010 • 9 months ago💜Las mujeres mágicas trabajan en equipo | Magical women work as a team 💜Hace unos días fue el Día defranciawrites in #hive-147010 • 9 months ago🎤Una Peluca para una cantante!!! | A Wig for a Singer!!! 🎤_Hola!! no saben lo que me emociona mostrarles este trabajo. | Hello!! Yfranciawrites in #hive-147010 • 10 months ago☀️🤳Selfies de febrero | February selfies🤳☀️![clt7zthjh007cohsz667p85ss_Imagen_de_WhatsApp_2024-02-29_a_las_20.57.09_25e7d1c6.webp](