Start Triathlon training: June 26 2024

in Actifit9 days ago

Trying to get some more volume over the three disciplines for triathlon. So nothing fast but trying to get some kilometers on the counter... 12,5km today and 12,5 on Monday makes already 25 km worth two sessions to go, so normally I'll get over 40km this week.

I've been swimming 1750m in the pool yesterday and 1 or 2 sessions in the sea are to come.

Tomorrow second cycling session of 3 or maybe 4. I might get to 80km this week and this could speak of a high volume week if everything works out fine...

Will need some iron. For example from eating this great horse steak! OK the fries is one of my many (food / diet) dins, don't tell anyone lol

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I want more from this !LOL !WEED !LUV

I believe so !WEED !LOL !LUV

When is a door not a door?
When it's a jar

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