Record swim testing new goggles: June 25 2024

in Actifit10 days ago

I've been buying new goggles so I wanted to test them ASAP.

In the beginning I had some trouble adjusting them but after some time I think I got them straight.

Anyway I started to swim (after a 500m crawl and I kept swimming...

Another 1250m means 250m more than I've been doing a couple of times.

#AliveAndThriving #alive
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They look the same as your old ones !LOL !WEED !LUV

The idea was finding the same like the old ones but somehow they keep on changing their products :-( !WEED !LUV !LOL

I didn't sign up for the company 401k.
I don't think I can run that far.

Credit: reddit
@claudiavb, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of svanbo




@svanbo passed you the virtual joint!
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