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RE: Life Update

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 months ago

Enjoy every moment with your kid as they grow up so fast. You have to watch out for them getting bad habits as they will keep doing things even if they wind you up. It's all an adventure. I'm not sure it's a good idea to get them hooked on screens too young. Mine didn't have that so much as we didn't have smartphones or tablets then (others did). They will be just as happy with actual toys.

I hope life treats you well.



Great advice - it's crucial to keep the kids away from screens! TV is a little harder but phones and tablets for sure!

That's one thing me and Aimee decided, we'd like him to not get hooked on phones or tv or anything like that. These days it's hard to avoid, so all we can really do is play with him and show him that he can have more fun playing with his toys.

I've loved it man, it has been an amazing experience.