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RE: Life Update

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 months ago

Kaleb did have the mischievous glint in his eye the first time I saw him so it's nice seeing him live up to that. Sending lots of !LUV to our little champ.

And I get how it feels like you're doing so many things but nothing at all at the same time cause the things you really want to do aren't feasible at the moment. I believe it'll get better though so...

Congratulations to you on 16k btw.🌺


He honestly did, it was the first thing I thought when I saw him, and he's certainly living up to it now. He's a bit of a daredevil at the moment, and we're kind of hoping he chills out a bit because he seems to have no fear.

Yeah, everything will work out just fine, I think I just need to reevaluate everything and figure out some sort of daily/ weekly plan for everything.