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RE: 5minute freewrite 2555 prompt prize idiot

in Freewriters4 days ago

Rats in the store! Oh no!

He caught the rate easily!!! With bare hand!! I wouldn't do that! The feeling of holding a rat is not pleasant to me. I catches large rats a few occasional I guess, long ago, just to kill them!

I wasn't familiar with the phrase, "Prize idiot". Now I know. Thanks.



Yes, he caught it with bare hands but washed them after letting it go outside. It was a baby and it was scared, it went right to him. He told me last night he should have brought it home because he was worried it might not find water where he let it go.

He will set traps to kill rats, that is different from this, they die fast, it is not like letting something die a slow death.

I have never heard "prize idiot" either. I do not think I used it right. I think it would mean someone like a goof-ball.