The beauty of the universe can be immortalized with simple tools || Creativity without limit

in Photography Lovers5 months ago

In today's world which is full of advances in technology and sophisticated photography equipment, we often forget that beauty can be captured with minimal equipment, through the use of a cell phone camera or even a simple pocket camera, we can explore and immortalize beautiful moments in our world our live, there is no need for a professional camera and lenses which are quite expensive to take beautiful photos, with only minimal equipment the beauty of the world is already in our hands, all we need is sensitivity to composition, light and interesting subjects, by paying attention to these elements we can definitely produces stunning photos even though we only use very simple equipment.

Well, maybe a reasonable question is why are people nowadays so creative even with the minimum tools?

I want to give a very honest answer to all of you, that people are becoming more creative nowadays thanks to the presence of #hive in society, as you already know #hive always invites its users to be more creative day by day in any topic, for example, someone has a hobby of painting then he can express his painting ideas in the @holozing community, if someone likes #photography then he can express his hobby in the related community, if someone likes mushroom hunting then he has a #fungifriday or #fungilovers community, as well as other hobbies , so the task of those of us who are familiar with #hive first is to promote it to the wider community, our goal is clear, we want to change our environment to be more creative and familiar with #crypto, and we carry out promotions voluntarily without getting any compensation.

previously people complained that they couldn't do anything for other social media like Youtube due to limited tools, there users gave honest confessions that it was very difficult for them to make videos with just a $100 phone because the video quality was very bad, yeah I provided a solution, I introduced #hive to society in a different way, here people can express ideas and don't always depend on the quality of the camera, for example to express or promote about cooking I think someone doesn't need a very good camera, for that idea someone only needs to publish about their cooking everyday life, for example boiling oysters, cooking water spinach, tomato sauce and others, in essence someone can do anything in the #hive freely without having to worry about anything, I'm sure everyone will give you appreciation as time goes by.

Now let's go back to our topic!!

Should we feel inferior because we only use simple equipment to be creative? I don't think so, even by just using the tools we have, we are at an advantage because it makes it easy for us to be creative, because the tools you have can put in your trouser pocket and you can use them whenever you want to immortalize moments, important objects and even your girlfriend is opening his mouth while stuffing a fried banana, meaning this allows us to spontaneously capture unexpected moments without having to carry large and heavy equipment, the universe has provided a solution and there is no reason for us to deny it.

Apart from convenience, using simple tools allows us to be very creative because of the limited features in them. The limited features in cellphone cameras or pocket cameras make us think more creatively in the process of taking pictures. These limitations become an inspiring challenge to find angles or interesting point of view, so that this action produces photos that are beautiful and amazing, the point is that today we can be creative with the tools we have, it's just whether we want to take part or not at all, and we will continue #promo-hive in our neighborhood & hopefully our friends have a place for unlimited creativity.

Thank you very much for reading, I hope this post is useful and inspiring for everyone who only has minimal tools for creativity, see you & have a nice day. 🙏🙏☺️☺️


That's a great set up and an amazing environment.

Thank you, I'm trying my best because I only use minimal tools for creativity ☺️

i love your cosmic optimism, the universe indeed provides in all manner of ways if we csn seize our opportunity.
as in photography, it is the same in music production: everybody gets hung up on equipment (i am no exception). the passion for creation turns into this odd ego trip jnsisting that great music can only come out of a 20k dollar studio stuffed with a variety of high tech gizmos.
we end up not producing music at all and blaming our failure to progress on our lack of equipment, when objectively, we are now better equipped than most producers 20 years ago.

it is not about the tools we don't yet have but rather about learning to use the tools we do have already.

blessings dude

I realize one thing from your point of view, success or not everything comes from our own "ego", thank you for commenting & have a nice day ☺️🙏

Pressfield would say it is merely a well disguised copout of our ego to stop us from doing our work; an excuse we start to feel is valid when it really isn't.

also known as resistance! ;)

It means that whatever resistance is telling you, you have to ignore it, sit down and simply do your work.

this is amazing ☺️☺️

oh wow! i was about to sympathize with your use of a cellphone until i saw the lens. lol. i really don't know anything about lenses but yours seems to be great!

yeah this is very helpful for capturing distant objects ☺️

This days lot phones now make good videos and photos ... just not zoom in, this small cameras are not good for zoom ...thats all 😅👌👌😋 ... I have seen lot how some professionals in photography world get jealous when a young person is able to find good pictures with a phone that others have not been able to find with an expensive camera.... this days it is normal 🤭👌👌👌😋☕🦊

If you can use phone to make money and cool small photos, then you are ready to go next level 😉👌😋

Thank you, I will go there, but to make it happen I always need support and criticism from great people like you ☺️🙏🙏

Npr ☺👌☕🦊... just not stop.

Thanks, never give up 🙏☺️☺️

I try ... 🥴🙏 life is hard sometimes.

Keep smile ☺️☺️

In the last few days, I often explore the forest near my house to find beautiful things that can be photographed, it could be said that I spend a lot of time for hive, and I don't know what exactly the final result for me, I hope that really beautiful and amazing ☺️🙏🙏🙏

Hive is the only platform which has inspired me to do something new before hive I didn’t even know that I can write blogs. I totally agree with you 🫶🏻

Thanks very much,, your agree with me 😘😘☺️☺️