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RE: Life Update

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 months ago

I remember those days man, they are tough and tiring but they are also great watching the little youngster grow and develop. It goes by so fast when you look back and think about it! I feel like it was just a year ago that my son was roaming around babbling and stuff, but that was years ago at this point. It’s all wonderful stuff!

I saw another comment from Steve but wanted to add a bit to it. One thing I implore you to do is stay off phones yourselves when you’re with him. I’ve kept off my phone 95% of the time I’m with my son and it has paid off so much in the long run. I feel like I’ve got a closer relationship with him because of it, he gets my full attention unless I’m working and that’s what they deserve. When they go to bed certainly mess around on your phone but if the little dude is watching you, make sure to not be on your phone! Especially at this age, it’s wild what they absorb and remember to then develop into their minds and stuff as they get older.

On the work side - just make sure to take some time for your mind to relax when you can. It sounds like you’re doing a lot which is good, and the right thing to do as a man with a child that relies on you, but at the same time you don’t want to collapse from overwork and exhaustion. Just try to get a break here and there! Even one night helps.


Yeah, I really feel amazed looking back at old baby photos of him when he was a newborn compared to now, it's like we didn't notice it happening but he has become so much bigger now.

I've been doing that too, as much as I can at least, I seem to have to make a conscious effort not to look at my phone though, because it's almost like my brain wired to instantly go to it when I lose my train of thought and have a blank out for a moment. But, you're so right man, setting it aside would be the best thing to do.

It's hard sometimes because there's so much that needs to be done, but that's true, there's no point in overdoing it. I was afraid of getting burnt out or something, before, but I've still managed to keep going. I think I'll take your advice though and cool it a bit.