One thing I’m glad we don’t have is ice dams gigantic icicles anymore lol we had them for a few years but they fixed the gutters and stuff so now we don’t get them. Dangerous for sure!
I’m glad that you’re doing some blood work and investing in yourself. It’s best for not only you but your son! Gotta stay healthy for the kiddo!
Acupuncture is definitely a good option! I know we chatted about it a bit but it’s not expensive and it’s non-surgical which is important. Have you looked to see if there’s places nearby that do acupuncture? Hopefully you have some!
Good luck on the blood work one of the things I would make sure to do is have them check your vitamin D and B levels. Those are totally underrated but such crucial parts of our health and well-being! It’s pretty easy to supplement to get them up to good levels too if they are low.