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RE: The Decline of Good Writing In Gaming

in Hive Gaminglast year

Truth! Completely agree with your opinion here. A lot of story, especially dialogues, have become cookie cutter for sure. Now it might be because of the amount of games coming out too. And like you said, it could be because we are getting old, and the young don't care as much. But I go back into my teens and early twenties, and I used to play those 2.5D solve a mystery games with four five options to choose from. There were star trek ones, and some around detectives investigating the occult (I used to love these series but forget it's name) The dialogues in those were not Oscar winning but good enough that we forgave the blocky pixel UI and the story played in our head as much as it did on the screen. When playin games like Arkham Asylum or City, or even open ended games like GTA, that same compulsion to know what happens next, or interest in how things resolve is no longer there.

Having said all the above I did download a anniversary version of an old fav that we used to find hilarious when young - the Lounge Lizard Larry series - with its xrated jokes and scenarios in cartoon without any actual xrated scenes. Despite the cheap and cliched dialogues I remember finding the story and dialogues quite entertaining. Sadly it has not aged well and when i tried playing again it just did not have the same impact. So it might just be me getting old and jaded :D


Oh kind of like the choose your own adventure games? I have a cool collection of those type of books from when I was in my teens, they're a lot of fun. There are some of those kinds of games on the mobile app store, which I've played through and really enjoyed.

That's the thing though, with good writing, you're more than happy to excuse bad graphics or clunky gameplay. That's why it's so easy to go back to a lot of the older games and still find some enjoyment in them.

Hahah I know the game you're talking about, I never actually played it, but have heard about it. He's a bit of a deviant.

Not just choose the adventure ones. The kind of games I am thinking of had its peak in the Monkey Island series (thought that particular series never worked on my machine at the time)

In trying to remember I found this decent Wikipedia page :
This has excited me to revisit some of these games - maybe a future post.

However coming back to the main point my favorite was the Gabriel Knight Series. There were many other puzzle adventures at the time where you had to come up with weird ways to solve. And a lot of pixel hunting to click on the precise thing you wanted. And Gabriel Knight has some of them too. However the story of Gabriel Knight was crazy cool. A simple detective actions transforms into possible occult activity in the deep south (if I remember correctly). And the series just built on the older games. I remember despite being a big Doom2 fan I still loved this playing it on my monochrome monitor.

I remember many more games I played then which is not marked in this page. I need to try to remind myself of those and as I said maybe a germ of an interesting post here :)