in FreeCompliments3 months ago



2 Kings 5:20 - 27


My son, walk not thou in the way with them; refrain thy foot from their path: for their feet run to evil and make haste to shed blood (Proverbs 1:15, 16).


We have come to the last segment of the series on how you can glorify God with our five sense organs: Eye, tongue, hands, ears, legs. Today's discussion we will talk about the leg.
For man, the two hind limbs constitute the legs. The lower part of the legs on which the whole body is resting and which serve to support or balance the body on the ground are the feet.
The principal duties of the feet are to carry the whole body from place to place. The feet walk, run, hop, jump, climb, bend, stand errect, sit and swim.
The most noticeable work of the feet is that of carrying she body from place to place. The body goes wherever the feet carry it to.
The mind decides what is to be done. The legs take the person to the place of action. The legs may not perform the actions, but they assist in in by carrying the body to the scene of action.

When I run, jump and play,
I get thirsty every day, So I run to the kitchen sink, Turn on the faucet, and get drink, One glass, two glasses, three glasses, four, and when I'm thirsty, I will drink some more.

Your legs can take you to the church to join in worship.
They can also carry you to a hotel for all-night dance. Your legs can carry you to visit a friend so you can preach to him.
They can also carry you to another friend so you can go and do some wicked acts.
Some legs will wait to go to games field to play during church worship. Some legs can stand around in idleness or in gossipping. Be careful little legs what you do, for your father up above sees all that you do. So be careful little legs what you do.
Some legs can run to an errand quickly. When they meet some playing feet on the way and the legs want to join, the spirit says "Remember you are on an urgent errand." So you say to your legs "Don't join them. Run on"
It is a blessing when you allow your legs to go to good places or do good things. You work at the proper times and play at the proper times.
We are going to use Gehazi, the Servant of Elisha as a case study in 2 Kings 5:20 - 27.


Naaman, the army general of Syria was a mighty man because he had won so many battles against the Syrian enemies. But Naaman was a leper. A leper is a person with a sickness which affects the skin and finally makes the nose and fingers and toes to rot away.
Now it so happened that when the Syrians conquered the land of Israel, they brought back with them a little Israeli girl who became the slave of Naaman's wife. Through this girl Naaman learned that the God of Israel can heal even leprosy, for his leprosy made him unhappy. So he travelled to Elisha, prophet of the most high God with chariots full of various goods - gold, silver jewels, change of clothes. All these were presents for the prophet if he would heal him. Naaman came in his chariot and stood at the door of Elisha's house. Elisha didn't go out to meet him but just sent this message to him:
"Go and wash yourself seven times in the river Jordan and you will be healed of your leprosy".
Though this at first annoyed Naaman, he later obeyed.
He washed seven times in Jordan river and was healed according to the words of the prophet. So Naaman rejoiced greatly. He went back to the house of Elisha and said, "Now. I know that there is no other God in all the earth except the God of Israel."

He wanted to give Elisha a present, but Elisha said,
"No, I won't accept it."
Naaman begged him, but Elisha wouldn't take it.

Naaman started home to his own Country, but when he had gone just a little far, Elisha's servant Gehazi pursued after him and said to himself, "It's a shame my master wouldn't accept the present Naaman wanted to give him. I'll run after him and ask for those things for myself.

Naaman stopped his chariot and stepped down to meet him, and said, "Is everthing all ok?"
"Yes", Gehazi answered, "but my master has changed his mind. He sent me to tell you that after you left, two young men, prophets in training, came to visit him. He asks you to give them a wedge of silver and two sets of clothing".
"I will give two wedges of silver!" Naaman replied.
So Naaman gave Gehazi two wedges of sliver and two sets of clothing, and sent two servants to help Gehazi carry them, for the silver was very heavy. But when they were near Elisha's house, Gehazi took the silver from the servants and sent them back to Naaman again. Then Gehazi hid the silver and clothing for he didn't want Elisha to know about it. But the Lord had already told Elisha. God sees everything we do.
So when Gehazi came and stood before him, Elisha asked him, "Where have you been, Gehazi?"

"No where" Gehazi said.
Elisha replied, "Didn't I know it when Naaman stepped down from his chariot to meet you? Is this a time for us to take money, and clothes? And now, because you have done this, Naaman's leprosy shall be on you and on your children forever." And as Elisha spoke, the leprosy covered Gehazi, and he went out with white splotches of leprosy all over his body.
You see how Gehazi's legs carried him by running, into danger. Every leg should be careful how it runs.



  1. Walk in the counsel - advice - of the ungodly. (Psalm I:)
    &. Stand in the way of sinners lie join the company of bad persons, and may follow them to do evil) Psalm 1:l
  2. Careless feet are swift to shed blood (like armed robbers, and murderers for various wicked purposes) (Romans 3 : 15)
  3. Destruction and misery are in thier ways (Romans 3: 16)
  4. Run to do evil (Isaiah 59:7,8)


  1. Delight in the law of God (Ps. 1:1)
    &. Walk in the path of righteousness for the sake of the
    Lord's name (Ps. 23)
    Preach the gospel of peace. How beautiful are those feet!
    (Romans 10:15)
    Run errands without yielding to the temptations to go and play or to sin (Romans 6:12,13)
    Never visit the witch doctor's house except to preach to him (1 Sam. 28:7-14)
  2. Never fight, steal or destroy people's things.
  3. Walk in the light of God's word (Psalm 119:105);



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