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RE: Distorted

in Reflections2 months ago

Happiness comes from the feelings and sensations of fulfillment that you experience with certain actions or people. These emotions make you feel invincible, able to break down walls, so to speak, and it must be admitted that only the right concepts lead you to this state of fulfillment. Generally, not to absolutize, all of them part of our essence and our aspirations, which if we analyze well, are associated with the most sublime part of our soul. But as you rightly say, society and the information that is disseminated in the different media, has great weight in our way of thinking. That distorts the concepts that are created about happiness, leading people down the wrong path of material means and ego. Therefore, fortunate are all those who know how to choose the right path to happiness. Greetings ☺️


You've encapsulated it well I think and I agree. I like to think of myself as one of those fortunate people you mention and I hope you are too.

We are fortunate to belong to this group of people. Greetings and have a nice day ☺️

✅ Have a nice day too.