Where ancient culture and modernity meet.

in FreeCompliments13 days ago

China is a country where ancient and ancient culture coexists in perfect harmony with economic modernism.
But its main tourist wealth is based on the ancient dynasties, each of which left a deep mark on the history of China.
There are some that were influenced by other eastern cultures, such as Changchun, a city located in the northeast of China with a strong Japanese legacy.

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The great cultural wealth is provided by the diversity of ethnic groups that live there, many of which have merged their customs and arts. Some of the communities located in this city are Han, Hui, Mongols and Manshues.

One of the most important attractions of this city is the royal palace where Emperor Puyi ruled.
In addition to the cultural wealth, this city offers us the possibility of practicing snow sports, since snow falls most of the year and large skating rinks are formed.
But its main characteristic is that Changchun is a city considered Green, due to its large parks and gardens that surround the city.

Its forests, native flora, nature reserves and Nanhu Park are an attraction not to be missed.
As for hotels, we can stay at the Ya Tai Hotel, located at 1968 Renming Street.

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Travel recommendations provided here are for informational and entertainment purposes only. The information presented is based on general knowledge and may not reflect current conditions or specific to your situation. Travel carries inherent risks, and it is the responsibility of the reader or user to evaluate and make informed decisions about their own travel.

It is recommended to check up-to-date information on destinations, government regulations, weather conditions, health and safety before embarking on any trip. Each traveler is unique, and individual preferences and needs may vary. Be sure to consult official and professional sources for personalized advice on your itinerary and specific circumstances.



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