We All Want to Live!

in Deep Dives8 months ago

A photocopy of an appeal by residents of the house No. 58 on 23 August Street to Kharkiv Region Governor Oleh Sinegubov has appeared on the web

In it, residents of the five-storey building complain that military men from the "International Guard" (possibly mercenaries) have moved into their basement - and now it is not safe to live in the house.

"You, as a military man, know what happened in schools and kindergartens in Kharkiv, where thero-defence and the AFU were housed" - write the residents of the house. (destroyed by precise hits).

Residents of the house are begging to evict the military from the basement - especially since because of the military they have nowhere to hide during shelling.

"We all want to live!" - concludes with the cry of the soul of peaceful Kharkiv residents in this statement.

The copy clearly bears the stamp of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration with the date and incoming number
Personal data of the signed tenants with signatures and phone number

It is possible that the publication of this copy by some official is the only way to expel the military from a non-evacuated house.
I am sure that publicizing the location of the military forced the relocation for their own safety.

This is one of the many factual confirmations of what I witnessed personally.
The school closest to me is packed to the gills with military personnel and no one writes complaints about the situation. Everyone's "stepping in."
Someday a missile will come here too, and you will be shown how the aggressor destroys the civilian infrastructure consistently forming your opinion about the parties to the conflict.

Houses of culture in villages, schools and kindergartens have been given over to the soldiers' locations.
All children are on distance learning since the beginning of the covid restrictions on our rights, which negatively affects the level of education and the long-term prospects of the country.

If you google the announcements of cultural programmes in nightclubs in Kyiv and other major Ukrainian cities, you may have questions and doubts about the intensity of the war.
But I assure you, the shelling is regular and intense, but only at military facilities.
All hits on civilian infrastructure are caused by failure of Ukrainian air defence or interceptions over cities

Many civilian objects have ceased to be civilian since the beginning of the conflict, and for obvious reasons no one speaks about this out loud. But in the event of the destruction of such an object, the media immediately paint a picture of unjustified aggression against the civilian population. All eyewitnesses who have had the imprudence to put on the net the aftermath of the attacks, which show military uniforms on "civilian victims" or remnants of military equipment, go to jail on charges of working for the enemy. As well as any critics of the current government.

Thank you for being here and reading to the end!


"I am sure that publicizing the location of the military forced the relocation for their own safety."

Perhaps. The layers of deception are difficult to parse. However, were you planning the daily targets for the Russian MoD, would you make that assumption? After giving it thought, I find it difficult to imagine not targeting that location from that perspective. Hopefully, the source of that information, the appeal of civilians and their pathetic plight, suggests that political considerations might be given to that target.

Maybe some political officer, for PR purposes, might de-designate that target. From a purely military perspective however, I doubt it can be neglected otherwise.

We can only hope the civilians are not killed, but we can be sure if they are not, it is because of restraint by the Russian MoD, perhaps only for PR reasons, but I'm sure any reason that saves their lives is a good enough reason for the hapless residents.


Edit: upon re-reading the following, I was struck by a realization about the war.

"If you google the announcements of cultural programmes in nightclubs in Kyiv and other major Ukrainian cities, you may have questions and doubts about the intensity of the war."

Clearly the military is dependent on concealing it's troops and materiel from the incessant bombardments. The political and financial class that profit from the war, and from the ~million dead Ukrainians it has caused, are the ones enjoying the nightclubs and cultural programmes provided for their amusement and edification. What occurs to me is that their temptation to prosecute the conflict would be greatly reduced were such entertainments to be targeted by the Russian MoD. It is extremely curious those venues aren't attacked.

The Ukrainian military could force the issue, I suspect, by using those venues as places to conceal their troops and materiel. That has forced the Russian MoD to target schools, homes, and etc., in the past, and I see no reason night clubs would be exempt.

The fact they have not been targeted suggests untowards collusion between the governments of the belligerents politically, a dismaying thought. There are certain common cultural interests shared between the political leadership of both countries, which suggests either a vector for collusion, or for negotiations and potential curtailment of hostilities. Given the durable nature of that shared cultural interest, it is apparent that latter potential is prevented, rather than facilitated, thereby.


Food for thought.

I think the point is that modern intelligence has reliable information on most military installations. Naturally, the Russian Ministry of Defense chooses the most favorable locations for destruction based on military tactics, and nightclubs are hardly among their interests. Of course, it gives them extra PR points.
The situation with Palestine is terrible, but it showed the world that here, in Ukraine, everything is not as bad as the "new Europeans" in blood-stained underpants are used to shouting.

As it is the politicians and business interests that fling the soldiers into war, I would, were I targeting the enemies of my people, eliminate them first, and worry after that about soldiers, were there any.

That makes a lot of sense!
But unfortunately politicians are not a legitimate military target. Otherwise wars could be ended with a single missile launch before they even start.
Many Ukrainians do not understand why the supreme council is still intact?

You cannot defeat the truth with a lie. And evil will never defeat good.
Good is not presented the way you do.

В когось знатно підгоріло💥

What amazing times, a spammer Russophobe with content below the plinth has a reputation of 71 🤔 How is this possible on the Hive?

Who's ready to help fix it?

You cannot defeat the truth with a lie. And evil will never defeat good.
Good is not presented the way you do.

Good spamming in the comments)))))

You cannot defeat the truth with a lie. And evil will never defeat good.
Good is not presented the way you do.


War can only be stopped by the one who started it. He just has to remove his killers from Ukrainian soil.

Your spam is making my eyes water😅
Can you not repeat not repeat your posts multiple times? I understood your simple idea from the first reading.

There is no justification for war. War is evil.

There is no justification for war. War is evil.

Did you know you can mute specific accounts, and prevent them from commenting on your blog? You may not be able to prevent their votes, but you can exclude their comments.

No, no! no way, that's not our method))))))
I want people to see who I've been living amongst for the last 10 years and who they support.
In the beginning, of course, it wasn't as thrilling as it is now, now it's peaking, and I think zombie patriotism is slowly starting to go down.
In fact, it turned out that all our televised victories on the front during the two years of war, with all the help of the nato bloc, in fact turned out to be just an information campaign to lure money and weapons from the west.
This is very sobering! But not everyone is sobered by it yet. Helping as I can

I want everyone to see what kind of ogres they've been supporting for three years to their own detriment.

You couldn't think of five different ideas without spamming the same comment??? Or are you going to delete that too, like last time?

You cannot defeat the truth with a lie. And evil will never defeat good.
Good is not presented the way you do.


There is no justification for war. War is evil.


@vp-freelance passed you the virtual joint!
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You should think about what you spend your life on. And what the consequences of your actions are. You have to live with it. If you don't know what's a lie and what's the truth, then I feel sorry for you. If you knowingly lie, then get ready to answer for your lies before the laws of the universe. A sane and normal person cannot bring good and happiness through war and lies. What you do for others, you will get for yourself.

Better stop the war.

Tell that to our President Zelesky
It's one of his campaign promises!

Indeed. I recall from my early research into the situation in the Ukraine that Zelensky was the peace candidate, and that's why he was elected. However, upon his election (or perhaps, like politicians do, he simply lied during the campaign. It is not directly able to be differentiated by me) he was introduced to political realities by specific forces in the country that 'persuaded' him (to survive) to wage unrelenting terrorist attacks on the Donbas, which continues to this day.

In the meantime, he has become a $billionaire. Not a club I am interested in joining. It is reported he has just returned from Davos empty handed, which I suspect is an existential threat to his life, his immense fortune cannot protect him from.

For starters, it poses a major threat to our lives! Now he needs a serious information reason to change the situation in his favor, reminding the world what an aggressive bloody aggressor threatens the whole world....

You're absolutely right.
One of his promises was to end the war
His election campaign was in Russian, which gave hope to the Russian-speaking part of the Ukrainian population.
There are interviews where he promises to dialog with Putin to stop the bloodshed at any cost. Now any dialog with Russia is forbidden to Ukrainian diplomats at the state level! He pushed through a law banning all negotiations!

After Zelensky was elected president, he forgot all his promises.
Total dictatorship began.
The information and opposition fields have been sealed off

He did not start a war against a nuclear power as President of Ukraine.
But the whole world saw who declared war and started killing Ukrainians.

He continued the war started by Poroshenko against his own people of Donbas and Luhansk.
He never once met with Putin before the war started to avoid it in any way. I don't want a president who is a puppet, begging around the world with his hand out.
If we can't continue the war, let alone win, then end it!

There is no justification for war. War is evil.

Nazism is also evil, on par with Banderaism!

War can only be stopped by the one who started it. He just has to remove his killers from Ukrainian soil.

You should think about what you spend your life on. And what the consequences of your actions are. You have to live with it. If you don't know what's a lie and what's the truth, then I feel sorry for you. If you knowingly lie, then get ready to answer for your lies before the laws of the universe. A sane and normal person cannot bring good and happiness through war and lies. What you do for others, you will get for yourself.

War can only be stopped by the one who started it. He just has to remove his killers from Ukrainian soil.

There is no justification for war. War is evil.
