SECRET N ° 218 The Secret of the Three Worlds Chapter 1

in FreeCompliments2 days ago

Chapitre 1 : Les Cendres du Premier Monde

Frost pénétra dans le premier monde, baptisé "Le Néant de Cendres", un lieu dont la simple existence semblait défier toute notion d’espoir. Dès qu’il franchit le seuil dimensionnel, une vague de chaleur sèche le frappa, chargée de l’odeur amère de cendres et de métal fondu. Le ciel, d’un noir d’encre, était parcouru de fissures lumineuses, comme autant de blessures ouvertes dans le tissu de la réalité. Tout n’était que désolation.

Des bâtiments autrefois majestueux s’élevaient encore dans l’ombre, mais leurs silhouettes décharnées semblaient plier sous le poids d’un souvenir douloureux. Les arbres, figés dans des poses de souffrance, ressemblaient à des âmes tordues par un cri silencieux. Le sol, quant à lui, était jonché de débris incandescents, où chaque pas soulevait une poussière grise et toxique. Ce monde, jadis florissant, avait été consumé par son propre orgueil.

En progressant à travers ces ruines funestes, Frost ressentit une oppression étrange. L’air semblait vibrer, chargé d’une énergie résiduelle, presque vivante. En fouillant les vestiges de ce qui ressemblait à un centre urbain, il découvrit des écrans brisés et des hologrammes défaillants. Les images projetées, bien que vacillantes, révélaient des fragments d’un passé désormais révolu : des enfants riant dans des parcs luxuriants, des cités lumineuses baignées d’une lueur dorée, et des scientifiques saluant fièrement une invention révolutionnaire.

Ces bribes d’histoire s’effaçaient aussitôt, se dissolvant dans l’air poussiéreux comme des mirages. Mais elles laissaient derrière elles un message clair : les habitants de ce monde avaient dominé une source d’énergie qu’ils appelaient "l’Éclat Luminal", une substance pure et infiniment puissante. Cette découverte, qui avait promis prospérité et grandeur, s’était transformée en une malédiction. Leur soif insatiable de pouvoir les avait poussés à extraire cette énergie jusqu’à épuisement. L’instabilité croissante de l’Éclat avait déclenché une série de réactions en chaîne, culminant en une implosion cataclysmique. En un instant, l’énergie avait carbonisé tout ce qui vivait, ne laissant derrière elle qu’un désert de cendres et des radiations mortelles.

Frost avançait avec prudence, chaque pas alourdissant davantage son âme. Ici et là, il voyait des silhouettes pétrifiées, les vestiges de vies fauchées en pleine action, figées à jamais comme des sculptures de cendres. Un homme tendant la main pour protéger son enfant. Une femme serrant un livre contre elle, peut-être un espoir de transmission. Tous étaient désormais des fragments de mémoire, condamnés à l’oubli.

Après des heures de marche dans ce chaos silencieux, Frost aperçut une structure intacte au loin. Un bâtiment trapu, fait d’un matériau noir résistant aux assauts du temps et de l’énergie destructrice. En s’en approchant, il découvrit une stèle gravée de lettres anciennes mais encore lisibles. Les mots résonnèrent dans son esprit avec une intensité presque surnaturelle :

"Nous avons cru posséder le feu des dieux. Nous sommes devenus les cendres."

Il resta là un moment, absorbant la signification de ces mots, tandis qu’un vent chargé de particules corrosives sifflait autour de lui. Ce monde n’avait aucune chance de renaissance. L’Éclat Luminal, leur bien le plus précieux, avait consumé leur essence, effaçant non seulement leurs corps, mais aussi leurs ambitions, leurs rêves et leurs erreurs.

Mais Frost savait que cette destruction n’était pas vaine. Chaque monde détruit portait une leçon, une pièce du puzzle plus vaste qu’il devait assembler. Alors qu’il quittait les ruines du Néant de Cendres, son regard s’attarda une dernière fois sur la stèle. "Peut-être," pensa-t-il, "que cette leçon pourra sauver d’autres mondes."

Son cœur était lourd, mais sa détermination était intacte. Frost s’engouffra dans le portail qui l’attendait à l’horizon, emportant avec lui la mélancolie de ce premier monde détruit et l’espoir ténu de percer les mystères de sa quête.

Chapter 1: The Ashes of the First World

Frost entered the First World, known as "The Void of Ashes," a place whose very existence seemed to defy all notions of hope. As he crossed the dimensional threshold, a wave of dry heat struck him, laden with the bitter smell of ash and molten metal. The sky, pitch-black, was streaked with luminous cracks, like open wounds in the fabric of reality. All was desolation.

Buildings that had once been majestic still stood in the shadows, their skeletal forms bent under the weight of painful memories. Trees, frozen in poses of agony, resembled twisted souls silenced by a voiceless scream. The ground was littered with glowing debris, and each step raised clouds of gray, toxic dust. This world, once thriving, had been consumed by its own pride.

As Frost moved through the mournful ruins, he felt a strange oppression. The air seemed to vibrate, charged with a residual energy that felt almost alive. Searching the remnants of what appeared to be an urban center, he found shattered screens and flickering holograms. The projected images, though unstable, revealed glimpses of a bygone era: children laughing in lush parks, radiant cities bathed in golden light, and scientists proudly unveiling a revolutionary invention.

These fragments of history faded almost as quickly as they appeared, dissolving into the dusty air like mirages. Yet they left behind a clear message: the inhabitants of this world had harnessed a source of energy they called the "Luminous Shard," a pure and infinitely powerful substance. This discovery, which had promised prosperity and greatness, had turned into a curse. Their insatiable thirst for power drove them to extract this energy to the brink of exhaustion. The growing instability of the Shard triggered a chain reaction, culminating in a cataclysmic implosion. In an instant, the energy incinerated all living things, leaving behind only a wasteland of ash and deadly radiation.

Frost tread cautiously, each step weighing heavier on his soul. Here and there, he saw petrified silhouettes—the remnants of lives abruptly cut short, frozen forever like sculptures of ash. A man reaching out to shield his child. A woman clutching a book, perhaps a hope for preservation. All were now fragments of memory, condemned to oblivion.

After hours of wandering through the silent chaos, Frost spotted an intact structure in the distance. A squat building made of a black material that had withstood the ravages of time and destructive energy. As he approached, he discovered a monolith engraved with ancient yet legible letters. The words echoed in his mind with an almost supernatural intensity:

"We believed we held the fire of the gods. We became the ashes."

He stood there for a moment, absorbing the weight of those words, as a wind laden with corrosive particles whistled around him. This world had no chance of rebirth. The Luminous Shard, their most treasured possession, had consumed their very essence, erasing not only their bodies but also their ambitions, dreams, and mistakes.

But Frost knew this destruction was not in vain. Every ruined world bore a lesson, a piece of a larger puzzle he was destined to assemble. As he left the ruins of the Void of Ashes, his gaze lingered one last time on the monolith. "Perhaps," he thought, "this lesson can save other worlds."

His heart was heavy, but his determination remained unshaken. Frost stepped into the portal waiting on the horizon, carrying with him the melancholy of this destroyed world and the faint hope of unraveling the mysteries of his quest.

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What do cheaters do after they die?
They lie still

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Very nice secrets.

My house-mate is terrified of negative numbers
He'll stop at nothing to avoid them.

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A rubber band pistol was confiscated from algebra class.
It was a weapon of math disruption.

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that is a nice chapter


Why doesn't Voldemort have glasses?
Nobody nose.

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My wife accused me of being immature.
I told her to get out of my fort.

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Why can't you trust an atom?
Beause they make up everything.

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Merci et bonne journée !

I hope Elon Mush never gets invloved in a scandal
Elongate could be really drawn out.

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A man tried to sell me a coffin today.
I told him that's the last thing I need.

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Nice thank you

What did the sand say as the tide came in ?
Long time no sea.

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How many tickles does it take to tickle an octopus?
Ten- tickles

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Merci pour les SECRET et les PEPE!
Bonne journee, !ALIVE

What do Thanksgiving and junkies have in common?
Cold turkey.

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My girlfriend and I just transitioned to a long distance relationship
Or what the judge called a “restraining order”

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thanks for the tokens


Why did the coffee go to the police?
Because it was mugged.

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thanks so much


Why did the coffee go to the police?
Because it was mugged.

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I changed all my passwords to Kenny
Now I have all Kenny logins

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I went to a really emotional wedding the other day.
Even the cake was in tiers.

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 2 days ago Reveal Comment

bonne journée !

I wonder if glass coffins will become popular one day?
Remains to be seen.

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To the person who stole my copy of Microsoft Office
I will find you. You have my word.

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What is a golfer's favorite type of cheese?

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Why are ducks good at playing limbo?
Because they can get down.

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Please include me again. @iamchessguy


Why did the alcoholic go to the doctors office?
Because he thought there would be shots.

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Thank you for the SECRET


Does refusing to go to the gym
count as resistance training?

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Where does an 800 pound gorilla sleep?
Wherever he wants.

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courage pour le boulot !

How does an IT guy make a Motherboard?
He tells her about his job.

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A rubber band pistol was confiscated from algebra class.
It was a weapon of math disruption.

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Moar secrets in the shadows and a PEPE token surprise feels good man.


How often should you tell chemistry jokes?

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Thank you/Merci!

It doesn't matter if my wife tells me I'm not mature
I'm not going to let her enter my tree house without the right password

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It doesn't matter if my wife tells me I'm not mature
I'm not going to let her enter my tree house without the right password

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