Daily Blog: Strolling To Go To The School

in Actifit5 days ago

There were only a few things that I did today because of the weather is somewhat bad but I am still doing my daily activities because that's what I mostly do every day.

It is Saturday today and even if there were no class for those students who went to primary and secondary school. I, still, have work to do because I need some budget for my daughter's birthday.

I only do a one thing for my daily activity and that is strolling into the old school (elementary school) because I like to see on what are the things that are new in this school.

While wondering about the improvements on my school before, the street that I walked was also the street where I walked when I was still a student. There were lots of old houses that I am familiar with but there were also houses that are renovated and upgraded to a modern one.

There were also lots of new stores that are opened along the way and there were also old stores that are now closed but still, our town is developing and there were lots of people that are investing in our town.

Anyway, the old school that I went into were really good and there were lots of improvements that I saw and there were building that are newly painted to look new. I didn't went inside but I plan on going inside on one of these days because I like to see if there were new buildings that were built in the school.

Note: The first photo was edited by myself using my Incollage application on my phone



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Daily Activity, Walking



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