Bees, pollinators, insects and nature, ecosystem for economics and human management utilization.

in Agricultural Mindset5 months ago (edited)

Hello everyone, how are you doing,
My name is Valblesza, And this is my blog.

Bees, pollinators, insects, and nature.


The urban environment has long been earmarked for cohabitation of bees, pollination, insects, and natural
while the rural areas are hotspots and great settlement for most if not all insects.

Pollination itself is one of the important natural cohabitation way that brings about changes and pollen of most plants in our environment.

When we do about animal spread out and insect spread out benefits to plants an animal in both the Urban and rural areas, I consider allowing plants in my environment such as farm, mostly my flower gardens, to pollinate.

It is very essential to nature, pollution has a strong relationship with nature, which allows all the plants to form a family and a long-lasting reproductive cir cycle,
Such as the flowers, birds, monkeys to reproduce itself and species.

Pollination would not just be considered as animals and inanimate reproductive and natural benefits concept, but in some ways even human beings pollinate too.

However, I have come to realize that the most outstanding pollens in the insects, which includes bees, among other flying objects… Including the food crops which reproduce within it space.

But I would look at how bees, pollinators, insects and nature, could be a natural advantage, what could be the important, global benefits of all these biodiversity species on the ecosystem.

Looking at the pollination in Nigeria, many rural areas are highly blessed with pollens,

Flowers give birth to it kind, the little seeds that fall from flowers reproduce it special. Occasionally, this building seeds are brought down from the plants by some insects, such as the butterflies, especially the followers.

The rotten content, and leafs get decomposed and service as extra nutrients to the natural soil. Nature works hands in hands with pollination because the rich nutrients from this decomposed materials is measured with the corresponding and heighten the chances of soil nutrients.


Though, this is mostly fined in the rural areas, but pollution in itself is carried out at both rural and urban center insofar plat is involved.

I would say this has become a one major way that the soil could regain, the nutrients given to the plant.
One good thing about pollution is that it occurs where it gives.

Some plants are taken and spread out by these insects, and they grew and in return becomes beneficial to the cities and rural areas economic wise if utilize well.

Pollination has it economic values, one could say that nature utilized the opportunities associated with it. Bees have honey in that is natural in production, thousand of people today, depend on either for further production and other economy values utilization, or even for our survival.

But today, the world is changing as we consider these insects and pollen materials as environmental pollution weapons and humans have lost the value worth of this nature in our disposal by chasing after their lives.

I would say that the world globally should manage pollination, as an important source of income, which in my view could produce an estimate 2.5 million income in the society that values it natural components and resources.

Because most pollinated species are wide animal, today in most countries these animals are highly abused. In some cases, the environment is no longer safe for these animals to live and feel the natural environment, due to some toxic chemicals and strong Air pollution caused by humans and industries.

But sadly, bees and other pollinators, such as butterflies, bats and hummingbirds, are increasingly under threat from human activities.

Which reduces the economy chances in these agricultural products because most of them can hardly survival, which leads to the declining of bees particularly that has many economic values in its honey oil benefits.

These insects, most times, are also combated by unsaved Agricultural farming system; perhaps which practice by so many today. For instance, weather changes, affect most of the insects, which can help build a good pollen in our farmland, but today excessive application of agrochemical such as pesticides.

Which in return of its effective on the natural, especially the bees, which Air pollution has destroyed the scent molecules that these needs to locate food for their survival in the environment.

These humans unsafe practices poses a threat to a wide range and variety of these plants and insects lives.

In other words, exposing them to critical unhealthy environment and, to human who later consumes these products at the end tail, both in the live livelihoods.

Thanks for reading!


@tipu curate