Hello everyone, as you all know I loves doing DIYs so today I will share with you a flower frame that I made for the wall. This was very much my own baby and I am very happy with how it came out.
Inspiration Strikes
Well, let me admit that I’ve always been wondering how people can turn a simple flower into an eye-catching centerpiece. I decided I wanted to make something one of a kind so I can do have a flower frame in my office.
Materials Needed
I started by gathering my materials I had to go out to a mini shop around my house to ask for the carton then I bought my gum and cardboard paper.
I had to carve out the frame from the carton, I used black color it was actually what I wanted then I gum it together to get the frame shape
And then I cut out my cardboard paper into square shape with the help of my ruler, pen and scissors folded it to get my flower shape and cut it out and this was what I got.
So to get the tree shape I add to cut out the carton to tiny shape and gum it to the main frame and here is the result
The next thing was attaching the flowers to the tree to get the final look
My wall hanging flower frame currently is in my office and I really loved the way it came out. It has given an added flavor of color and texture to the space, and everyone that comes in now comments on it.