A Little off Topic

in #silvergoldstackers3 months ago

I visited the zoo today with my 13-year-old son. We go there quite often. We live less than a mile from it.

I know that there are vending machines there, which you can see in the picture. But I was thinking about them a little bit more today.

These are machines for commemorative medals. The medals are unfortunately made of brass.

Six such machines are located around the zoo grounds. Each of the machines will sell you two types of medals.

The operation of the machine is intuitive. Even a small child could handle it. Maybe even I could handle it.

But I'd rather buy the medals at the souvenir stand.

A total of twelve types of brass medals depicting the animals that live here can be purchased at the Prague Zoo.

Is it unique in our country that here, in the zoo, there are such machines for commemorative medals?

There are certainly several thousand ruins of medieval castles in my country. This is Hazmburk Castle, for example. I visited it last summer.

In the courtyard you will find a machine for issuing commemorative medals.
It's 33% more expensive than in the zoo.

Not far from Hazmburk Castle is the Libochovice Chateau.

And that you can't guess what you'll find in the courtyard?! Oh, yeah! A medal vending machine!

This is the English version of the website, which shows a sign on one of the machines.

My text is not intended as an advertisement for this company. I just want to ask if you encounter such machines in your countries.

The company also offers the production of silver medals. However, I have not seen a machine for selling them anywhere. If I saw one, I'd probably start buying medals. Although I suppose there would probably be a big markup on them.

I use the Deepl.com translator. If someone uses a better translator and finds my text incomprehensible, I am presenting my article in the original, in Czech.

Thank you for reading and for any support.

Poněkud mimo téma
Navštívil jsem dnes se svým třináctiletým synem zoologickou zahradu. Chodíme tam docela často. Bydlíme ani ne kilometr od ní.
Vím, že jsou tam umístěné automaty, které můžete vidět na obrázku. Ale terve dnes jsem o nich trochu víc přemýšlel. Jedná se o automaty na pamětní medaile. Medaile jsou bohužel vyrobeny z mosazi.
V areálu zoo je rozmístěno šest takových strojů. Každý z nich vám prodá dva druhy medailí. Obsluha automatu je intuitivní. Zvládne to i malé dítě. Možná bych to zvládl i já. Ale já bych si medaile přeci raději koupil ve stánku se suvenýry...
V pražské zoo je možné zakoupit celkem dvanáct druhů mosazných medailí s vyobrazením zvířat, která zde žijí. Je to v naší zemi ojedinělé, že tady, v pražské zoologické zahradě, jsou takové stroje na pamětní medaile?
V naší zemi je jistě několik tisíc zřícenin středověkých hradů. Tohle je například hrad Hazmburk. Navštívil jsem ho loni v létě. A na nádvoří najdete stroj na vydávání pamětních medailí! Mají to tu o 33 % dražší než v pražské ZOO...
Nedaleko od hradu Hazmburku se nalézá zámek Libochovice. A že neuhodnete, co najdete na nádvoří?! No jo! Automat na pamětní medaile!
Tohle je česká verze webových stránek, které zobrazuje nápis na jednom ze strojů.
Tenhle můj článek nebyl zamýšlen jako reklama na uvedenou společnost. Chci se jen zeptat, zda se s takovými stroji setkáváte i ve svých zemích.
Společnost nabízí také výrobu stříbrných, postříbřených a pozlacených medailí. Stroj na jejich prodej jsem ale nikde neviděl. Kdybych ho viděl, asi bych začal medaile kupovat. I když předpokládám, že by na ně asi byla velká přirážka.


That's very cool! I wish they were silver, but still awesome!

Our zoos and other attractions don't have those. Sometimes, you'll find an old penny smasher machine, but that's usually it.


It seems that some Czech company has found a gap in the market. Maybe a similar company will appear on your market.
Thank you for support.

It's certainly a great idea. It's a fun way to commemorate a trip. That would be awesome if a company started that here.

You're welcome! I always enjoy your posts! 😁


Thank you for your support.

Dear @bulliontools, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @trautenberk.

That's pretty cool but can't expect them to be selling silver coins would be to expensive and not to many people would buy them !DOOK !hiqvote

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@bitcoinman thinks your content is the shit.
They have 2/400 DOOK left to drop today.
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Yeah. I can imagine the security and insurance problems if silver coins were sold this way. But anyone can order a larger volume of medals from them. Perhaps with a Hive motif.

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That is cool! I'm finding more zoos are selling anything to generate a profit. It's not cheap to take care of all those animals. It would be nice if they had silver versions available in the gift shop.

I remember as a kid the zoo had a machine that made a wax animal, it was kind of cool. Of course the wax was hollow so they never survived too long! lol

I think it's awesome to have so much history near you. What's the history of Hazmburk? I imagine it must have been much more than just one tower?

Europe is full of history. I would say that history prevents us from really entering the modern age. But history is beautiful.
If you are really interested, use a translator. It's Czech. We really have at least a thousand castles like this, more like two thousand. Or three thousand...

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Dear @trautenberk, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @kraki.


 3 months ago Reveal Comment