Dogging through the years

in slothbuzz7 months ago


Good morning my buzzing beauties! Happy Hump Day!

It's an early morning here, someone was a little over-excited this morning and couldn't sleep! No, it wasn't the sloth, I as always, slept like a log! Today's excited little chappy is my Doggo! It's his birthday today and he's just turned two! Time flies when you're having fun, and we've sure had some adventures over the last couple of years! Some good, some not so great! Like the time he decided to run away for 5 hours!!! 5 HOURS of chasing a doggo around a park! Hopefully, we won't have that adventure again!

We're looking forward to more adventures this year and beyond! We might even drop into the beach tonight, and let him feel the sand between his toes! Another year older, I wonder if he's any more sensible! I highly doubt it! It's crazy to look back at his little face when we got him, now he's a fully grown adult doggo!

Drop me a comment and let me see your animal pals!

Until next time,

Sloth out!

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Happy Birthday to your sweet little doggo! Our family pets had a great Christmas!
This is Andy and Odin testing boundaries!

Wave Media

Oh look at them! How cute! I think animals are here to test our patience, then shower us with love to make us forget!

Have you seen this weeks writing contest at (@slothbuzz). Tell us more about your awesome pets!

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