Mug collection

in Hive Collectors9 months ago

Greetings to all and happy 2024, I express my most sincere wishes for prosperity in this new year. And today I have returned to the Hive Collectors Community, to participate in the initiative called by @mipiano, related to mug collections

Mugs are objects that I usually use daily, whether to drink my coffee, soups, creams, broths, puddings, jellies... I really like the size and practicality of these, because when serving food in them, I feel comfortable and happy because the size of the container, the shape and how ergonomic they may be when handling them.

There are many mugs at home, some were my aunt Chichita's, others were bought by my daughter before she moved, and others were bought by my husband and I. I try to take care of them all, however, several have broken and I have thrown them away. Let's start by looking at these two, which have beautiful hand painted flowers, I think they are daisies. My daughter bought these and we used them to have soups and hot chocolate. They are a good size, as each one has approximately 700 ml capacity. I think they are beautiful and colorful.

This one that follows was from my aunt Chichita. I have already shown it in some vegan post, when I have shared a recipe for creams. It is a very beautiful and very old mug, I think it is easily about 40 years old, and it was a gift that my aunt received at Christmas.

I have also shown these two mugs that follow in some post, and they are the ones that I generally use to drink my coffee, I love them because they are big and beautiful, very colorful. These were a gift from my daughter as well.

This mug that follows is indeed old. I deduce it must be about 60 years old, and it was my grandmother's who was given it as a gift on Mother's Day. It is very beautiful and delicate, made with a beautiful porcelain technique.

This mug is smaller, and obviously has a Christmas motif. This was a gift that my daughter gave to my aunt Chichita. I also usually drink coffee there.

This mug, which features a kind of farm with a zebra! Hahaha, was a gift I received on my birthday a long time ago, it came full of candies and chocolates. It's a mug that I use to drink broth.

My daughter also bought this other one, and it is a beautiful mug, with very delicate paint details. I use this one to drink tea, I really like it, it's nice to have it in my hands while I drink hot tea or lemonade.

These two here are two large mugs, with circus motifs. They were both my aunt's, and I'm not sure who gave them to her. For some reason I don't understand, my husband doesn't like using these two mugs, but I do. I love serving coffee or hot chocolate in them.

These pewter mugs are my husband's favorites. We bought the two at the ends, and the one in the center was my aunt's. He loves drinking black coffee in these cups, he likes them a lot. These cups have the drawback that with use and falls they chip and peel until they can no longer be used. These are somewhat deteriorated, so at some point we will not be able to use them anymore. Pewter is a noble material, but it requires a lot of care.

And finally, I want to share with you these two “totumas” that I don't know if they qualify as mugs, but they do the same function. My husband and I bought these near a small, curious and crowded store that was close to home, (it has already closed), where the most unusual objects were obtained, and this was one of the things we bought, which although not It is something unusual, it is something very traditional. This type of utensil is used a lot in certain areas of my country, and when drinking liquids from them it is quite pleasant, it feels very natural.

Here I end my post today, where I share objects that are part of my daily life. I hope you liked it. Hugs and happy 2024!

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Thanks for sharing your collection. I always find it interesting to see what sort of mugs or cups people are having at home. Those look some interesting "totumas", I am sure it would be good to drink from them and a different experience.

I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project which will be highlighted in the next post!

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Hello, how great to see you here, thanks for the visit, the comment and the support.

I will tell you that totumas are great for drinking coffee and also for drinking dry liquors, such as rum, cocuy, tequila, they are great and very natural, zero pollution for the environment.

I hope your year 2024 is great, very successful, with health and prosperity. Hugs @mypathtofire

More than a collection, you have a history in your possession, as you rightly mention many of those mugs are antique in fact there are some that my maternal grandmother owns and they are the same, how great; also those of your aunt and all, are particularly beautiful and for what they mean, those of your daughters are very cool 🙌😀💛

Totumas are millenary in our Venezuela hahaha those have no comparison with any other, they are unique and the use we give them is also millenary 💛💙❤️

It was very nice this tour of family legacy mainly, you have a great collection and we have all enjoyed the charm of each one ... a hug friend and have a great day 💖... You Rockkk!!! 👍😎🔥☕❤️

Más que una colección, tienes una historia en tu poder, como bien mencionas muchas de esas tazas son antiguas de hecho hay algunas que mi abuela materna posee y son las mismas, qué genial; además las de tu tía y todas están bellísimas, particularmente y por lo que significan, las de tu hija están muy chéveres 🙌😀💛

Las Totumas son milenarias en nuestra Venezuela jajaja esas no tienen comparación con ninguna, son únicas y es que el uso que les damos también es milenario 💛💙❤️

Fue muy bonito este recorrido de legado familiar principalmente, tienes una grandiosa colección y todos hemos disfrutado del encanto de cada una... un abrazo amiga y que tengas un grandioso día 🌹💖... You Rockkk!!! 👍😎🔥☕❤️

Realmente tus comentarios son ESTUPENDOS @fernanblog, siempre me sorprenden por lo amables y completos que son, me siento honrada por tu visita a mi post. Y sí, estos objetos que forman parte de nuestra cotidianidad, narran historias muy personales, conservan momentos únicos. Me encanta que tu abuela tenga tazas iguales o similares, pues son reflejos de ciertas épocas o décadas. A mi hija siempre le han gustado las tazas y los platos, suele comprarlos con frecuencia y obsequiarlos.

En cuanto a las totumas el sabor que ellas dan a las bebidas es único, a mí me gusta mucho tomar café en ellas, porque es como una conexión directa con la naturaleza, con el árbol que dio el fruto para su fabricación.

Espero que este año 2024 te dé mucha salud, prosperidad, alegría y logros. ¡Abrazos!

Sope de fideos! How cool we can have recipes on the mugs. I have seen that for the first time in my life here in this community, the other day, and it seems that you also have one of those recipe mugs :))) I think I have to get one of these for myself too :D

The totumas definitely count here!! 👌

Thank you for bringing your collection of mugs, @sirenahippie!! Collector's greetings :))

Yes, there are some mugs that have those recipes included and they are beautiful and great.

I thank you for making this beautiful call, which allows us to share with everyone those very useful and everyday objects, in such a way that we value them and preserve them over time.

Oh well, and if totumas count here, that's super cool.

May you have a very prosperous and happy year 2024. Hugs @mipiano

Esa taza de sopa dios santo! cuantos recuerdos, en mi casa materna teníamos una con receta de sopa de cebolla de niña no comprendía hasta que mi mamá me dijo que estaba en otro idioma; italiano ❤️
Tienes una hermosa colección, grandes, pequeñas y coloridas, las de peltre mis favoritas.

Hola @aguamiel, que bonita y agradable tu visita. Sí, esas tazas a veces tenían recetas en otros idiomas, por lo general recetas sencillas y de sopas o cremas, son realmente hermosas.

Esta colección era mucho más grande, pero por el uso y el tiempo, ha disminuido. Las tazas de peltre son chéveres, a mi esposo le encantan también.

Espero que este año 2024 sea pleno de bendiciones, prosperidad y salud para tí y los tuyos. ¡Abrazos!

Yo tengo dos de esas con receta de sopa jajaja son geniales , tengo otras más una para cada tipo de bebida, con sus historias del porque las compre jajaja

Viaje en el tiempo en segundos nada más de ver tus coleccion amiga, estan super tus tazas , hay que usarlas en las meriendas 😋

Hola querido @edwing357, sería genial que te animes a participar y mostrarnos también tu colección de tazas. Las tazas de recetas son buenísimas, y son de buen material, resistentes.

Que bueno que viajaste en el tiempo, jajajajaja, y sí, definitivamente hay que organizar una merienda, con cafecito, pan, tortas, etc.

¡Abrazos y feliz 2024 para tí y los tuyos!

Feliiiiiz año , hay que llenar todas esas tazas jajaja yo me encargo de las galletas 😆

Estoy enamorada de todas, toditas. 🤗

Cada una con su encanto, las de peltre me traen lindos recuerdos de mi abuela, a ella le encantaban y nos regañaba si las dejábamos caer.

Tienes para todos los gustos. Feliz año amiga, una brazo y muchas bendiciones para este 2024 🥰

Que lindo comentario @jessiencasa, gracias por visitarme y apreciar mis tazas.

Recuerdo que las de peltre son un clásico en todas las familias venezolanas. Hubo un tiempo en que a las personas les disgustaba estas tazas, no sé por qué, supongo que les parecían arcaicas. A mí siempre me han gustado, pues conservan bien el calor de las bebidas, especialmente del café. Mi abuelita también tenía una taza de peltre pequeña en donde bebía su café negro y una totuma con una pimpina de arcilla, tapada con una tusa, y puesta en un plato de barro, para beber su agua. Eso lo tuvo por décadas hasta que enfermó.

Espero que este año 2024 te traiga muchas alegrías y prosperidad para tí y los tuyos. ¡Abrazos!

Muy Linda la Publicación

Muchas gracias por tu visita y comentario @rodcrea. Feliz 2024 para tí y los tuyos.

This one would be my favorite one. Simple paintings but large and in charge 700 ml my type of mug, hehe.

You a large beautiful collection of mugs :)

Hi @coolmidwestguy

Thank you for your visit, sorry for responding so late to your nice comment. I really like that one too, it's great for soup, and yes, it's a great cup, hahahahaha. Greetings, happy weekend!

Youbhave very curious mugs! I have never seen mug like the soup of fideos.

Yes, they are unusual, but very good for drinking hot liquids. Thanks for stopping by to read and comment @jrobe, have a great weekend!

Congratulations on that collection of beautiful mugs. My favorites "Noodle Soup", with the originality of the engraved recipe, the one in the third photo with the flowers, and the mugs with the little bears. Thank you

Hi @abrunet sorry for the late, nice to see you visiting my post. Yes, those cups are special, I like them all, but those are really cool. Have a great weekend!

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These gifts are really beautiful. Some holds picture of Santa Claus and some are colorful carrying memories of bygone days. These are indeed special for you.

Hi @tahastories1

Thank you for your visit. Yes, they are very special to me, that's why I use them daily, to connect with those beautiful times. Greetings!

Hola @sirenahippie por aquí reaparezco, como cometa pero con todo gusto visitando tu blog y paseando por tus contenidos que como siempre son de la mejor calidad. Gracias por tu apoyo constante en Mundo Autismo, no he podido entrar más ha discord, la computadora necesita un mantenimiento que no le he podido dar.

Me volví a mudar y el internet en esta zona ha estado débil e increíblemente ha habido cortes de luz, pero es porque están haciendo unos trabajos en la vía publica y espero que sea para resolver el problema. Verte activa atendiendo como curadora la comunidad de parte de Sagarkothari88, me contenta mucho y hasta me apena porque no me comuniqué más con el witness, de repente me desaparecí y es que confiaba resolver el contratiempo para entrar en discord y esta son horas que nada. Me disculpo y también presento mi agradecimiento por el valioso apoyo a la comunidad azul.

Por cierto, me gusta mucho tu nueva foto de perfil, nueva imagen en tu blog en un nuevo año, que linda.

Dios te bendiga y a todos los tuyos en el 2024, aprovecho para desearte, en febrero :) un grandioso año.

Un abrazo fuerte y sincero mi querida Sirenahippie 💙