FungiFriday: Xylaria (Engl / Spn)

in FungiFriday3 months ago (edited)

Greetings again on this #FungiFriday today. The rains started weeks ago, however they have spaced out a bit, it rains briefly and a small amount of water falls, but enough for the mushrooms to grow on my backyard, especially under the cherry or acerola trees, since they have remains of logs around it.

Saludos nuevamente en este #FungiFriday de hoy. Las lluvias iniciaron semanas atrás, sin embargo se han espaciado un poco, llueve brevemente y cae poca cantidad de agua, pero la suficiente para que los hongos crezcan en mi solar, especialmente debajo de los árboles de cerecitas o acerolas, ya que tienen restos de troncos a su alrededor.

Yesterday, when I went out to the backyard, I noticed some curious shapes on top of one of the pieces of mamón (Melicoccus bijugatus) branches, which were at the foot of the largest acerola (cherry) plant. As I approached and picked it up from the ground, I could notice dozens of small growths, which I assumed were small mushrooms, growing on the surface of it. These resembled small fingers, somewhat skeletal, even at the tips you could notice spots that resembled nails. I found them very curious, so I photographed them and brought them to share them with everyone this #FungiFriday..

Ayer, cuando salí al solar, noté unas curiosas formas encima de uno de los trozos de ramas del mamón (Melicoccus bijugatus), que estaban al pie de la planta de acerola (cerecitas) más grande. Al acercarme y tomarla del suelo, pude notar decenas de pequeños crecimientos, que supuse eran pequeños hongos, creciendo en la superficie de la misma. Estos asemejaban pequeños dedos, algo esqueléticos, incluso, en las puntas podían notarse unas manchas que asemejaban uñas. Me parecieron muy curiosos, por lo que los fotografié y los traje para compartirlos con todos en este #FungiFriday.

They are actually small forms, barely 1 cm high, but abundant and with a curious slightly bluish color at the base, then gray and lighter at the tips, which are conical and resemble nails. They grow either singly, or in groups of two and three. They look like tiny little fingers that emerge from the piece of decaying wood, they are really curious and interesting

Realmente son formas pequeñas, escasamente de 1 cm de alto, pero abundantes y con una curiosa coloración ligeramente azulada en la base, luego gris y más clara en las puntas, que son cónicas y asemejan a uñas. Crecen ya sea en solitario, o en grupos de dos y de tres. Parecen minúsculos deditos que emergen del trozo de madera en descomposición, son realmente curiosos e interesantes.

I was checking by image matching using Google Lens, and I found exact matches with a known genus Xylaria, which groups many species, but I don't know which exactly these mushrooms that I found in my backyardt correspond to. What all these species do have in common is that they have elongated shapes and grow in decaying wood.

Estuve revisando por coincidencia de imágenes usando Google Lens, y encontré coincidencias exactas con un género conocido Xylaria, la cual agrupa muchas especies, pero no sé a cuál exactamente corresponde estos hongos que encontré en mi solar. Lo que sí tienen en común todas estas especies, es que son de formas alargadas y crecen en la madera en descomposición.

According to the bibliography consulted, (see links consulted at the end of this post), these fungi present the following general characteristics:

  • They grow on decaying wood, which coincides with the substrate in which I found these specimens in my backyard.

  • It presents wide morphological variability, that is, they have various shapes, although they are generally cylindrical in shape.

  • They are distributed worldwide, (they even grow here, which is very hot and dry).

  • It lacks gastronomic interest, because they do not have meat.

De acuerdo a la bibliografía consultada (ver enlaces consultados al final de este post), estos hongos presentan las siguientes características generales:

  • Crecen en madera en descomposición, lo que coincide con el sustrato en el que encontré estos ejemplares en mi solar.

  • Presenta amplia variabilidad morfológica, o sea, tienen diversas formas, aunque generalmente tienen forma cilíndrica.

  • Se distribuyen a nivel mundial, (incluso crecen aquí, que es muy cálido y seco).

  • Carece de interés gastronómico, porque no tienen carne.

Here I end my post today, in which I wanted to share these weirds specimens of fungi, indicators that the life cycle of my solar ecosystem continues its course, transforming and creating life. Greetings to all, and remember that all living beings are very important for life on our planet. Hugs!

Aquí finalizo mi post de hoy, en el cual quise compartir estos raros ejemplares de hongos, indicadores de que el ciclo de vida del ecosistema de mi solar sigue su curso, transformando y creando vida. Saludos a todos, y recuerden que todos los seres vivos, son importantísimos para la vida en nuestro planeta. ¡Abrazos!

Fuentes documentales / Documentary sources

Fuentes de las Imágenes / Image sources

  • Todas las fotos de este post son de mi autoría y fueron tomadas con mi teléfono Xiomi REDMI 8 A // These photos are my own, and were taken with a Xiomi REDMI 8 A phone

  • Los divisores son cortesía de @eve66 quien comparte bellos diseños que embellecen el maquetado de nuestras publicaciones. // The dividers used are courtesy of @eve66 who shares beautiful designs that embellish the layout of our post.

Todo el contenido, excepto los divisores, es de mi propiedad y está sujeto a derechos de autor // All content except the dividers is my property and subject to copyrigh

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They look like thorns. What an awesome find! :)

Yes, they look like small thorns, but they are tiny mushrooms, really interesting

Good morning dear friend @sirenahippie
The rains are a true blessing for plants and are very important for the development of fungi. What a great discovery, I've never seen anything like it personally. Beautiful shots, appreciate you sharing with us.
have a great day

Hi @jlufer

Thank you very much for your visit and comment, and yes, certainly, the rains beautify and revive our natural environment. Greetings.

These mushrooms are incredible @sirenahippie, they undoubtedly have a great resemblance to people's fingers, I have never seen anything like them

Yes, they are like little fingers sticking out of the wood. Thank you for your visit and comment. Greetings.

Wow cool, they almost look like playdough! I am always fascinated my fungi :)

Oh yes, hahahahaha, I hadn't thought of that, but yes, they look like plasticine. Thanks for the visit. Hugs!