FungiFriday: The last Xylaria longipes of the season (Engl / Spn)

in FungiFriday13 days ago (edited)

Greetings and happy #FungiFriday. Today is Friday, and it is the ideal time to share the mushrooms that we can find along the way, in my case, on my plot. Already in my area the rains are decreasing every day, which means that it will be increasingly rare to be able to see mushrooms, so I have taken the opportunity to photograph the ones that can still be seen.

Saludos y feliz #FungiFriday. Hoy es viernes, y es el momento ideal para compartir las setas que podamos encontrar en el camino, en mi caso, en mi solar. Ya en mi zona están mermando cada día más las lluvias, lo que significa que cada vez será más raro poder avistar setas, por lo que he aprovechado para fotografiar las que aún pueden verse.

Weeks ago I shared some very rare mushrooms that I saw in the plant remains of the lot, more specifically mushrooms of the species Xylaria longipes, and last week, in the remains of the wild olive tree (Olea oleaster), I was able to see another colony, already mature, of these same mushrooms, in fact, there were other types of specimens, but the largest colony corresponded to this species. Here I present my previous post:

Semanas atrás compartí unos hongos muy raros que ví en los restos vegetales del solar, más específicamente hongos de la especie Xylaria longipes, y la semana pasada, en los restos del acebuche (Olea oleaster), pude divisar otra colonia, ya madura, de estos mismos hongos, de hecho, habían otros tipos de especímenes, pero la colonia más grande correspondía a esta especie. Aquí les presento mi post anterior:

It caught my attention that these mushrooms were no longer gray, but a nice brown color, and I could even see a black one, well, the remains of it, because it was split in half and you could tell that it no longer had life.

Me llamó mucho la atención que estos hongos ya no eran grises, sino de un bonito color marrón, e incluso, pude ver uno negro, bueno, los restos del mismo, porque estaba partido a la mitad y se notaba que ya no tenía vida.

Like practically all the fungi on my backyard, these are also saprophytes, that is, they phagocytize and inhabit plant remains, which they decompose. According to the literature I reviewed (see links in the Bibliography), these mushrooms grow on the remains of maples (Acer pseudoplatanus), but where I live such trees do not exist, so I suppose they adapt to whatever they get.

Como prácticamente todos los hongos de mi solar, estos también son saprófitos, es decir, que fagocitan y habitan en restos vegetales, los cuales descomponen. Según la bibliografía que revisé (ver los enlaces en la Bibliografía), estos hongos crecen en restos de arces (Acer pseudoplatanus), pero en donde vivo tales árboles no existen, así que supongo se adaptan a lo que consigan.

Here I end my post today, in which I wanted to share some mushrooms, which I thought were beautiful, and which may be some of the last of the season, being representatives of the genus Xylaria, which is wide and varied. Greetings to all, happy #fungifriday and remember that all living beings are very important for life on our planet. Hugs!

Aquí finalizo mi post de hoy, en el cual quise compartir algunos hongos, que me parecieron bonitos, y que quizás sean algunos de los últimos de la temporada, siendo representantes del género Xylaria, el cual es amplio y variado. Saludos a todos, feliz #fungifriday y recuerden que todos los seres vivos, son importantísimos para la vida en nuestro planeta. ¡Abrazos!

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Thanks for the support @mysteriousroad @sagarkothari88

Wow,this is cool my friend,you show very beautiful mushrooms.

Thanks @jhonkiller and sorry for the late. Have a great day!

True what you said above it is clear that the less rainfall the mushrooms will decrease and it is clear that the mushrooms that you find have partially started to dry or die, the mushrooms that you find today are really unique and beautiful good friend

Mushrooms are very rare here, and they only emerge when it is the rainy season, which is already ending. Thank you for your visit and nice comment @bananaklatbarat

How are you dear friend @sirenahippie good day
It's a shame that the rainy season is over, I hope that even in the dry season you continue to enjoy beautiful mushrooms on your property
I am always surprised when I see this kind of mushrooms, they are really very strange, their strange appearance makes me think of human fingers
Excellent find, I appreciate that you shared with us

During the dry season it is impossible to see mushrooms here, as the temperatures are always above 40 °C and the climate is very dry, which is why I take advantage of when it rains to observe and document these beauties. Thank you for your comment and sorry for the delay @jlufer

Xylaria longipes are always a unique find. Thanks for sharing your observations!

Yes, they are really strange and unique. Thanks for the comment, sorry for the late response. Good day @hive.samadi

No worries at all! They truly are unique. Have a great day! 😊