🛞 HSBI Giveaway 🛞 Cart parts result & Question game @ LE VILLAGE HSBI Blog Game Day 116 (En/Fr)

in FreeCompliments3 months ago (edited)

In this blog you can win 1 HSBI every day.
Today it's the (simple) question game where you'll have to be quick.
I'll also give the result of yesterday's random number giveaway.


The first person to give the right answer to this question gets 1 HSBI:

  • In today's @noctury game, you can win an Epic card from Splinterlands game (or 1 HSBI), how many cards are on offer to choose your reward from?

Guess the number" giveaway result:

The reference number is 45 and corresponds to the last two digits after the decimal point of the closing price of the Particl token in USD on coingecko.com last night at midnight UTC (03/07/2024): $0.211145
You can see it by following this link:

Participants were:
@diamondinthesky 30
@itharagaian 55
@melinda010100 73
@stekene 9
@noctury 5
@sinelux 85
@benefice-net 27
@almajandra 67
@yecier 88
@j2e2xae 72
@soyernesto 62
@idea-make-rich 10
@chaosmagic23 23
@olaf.gui 69
@kungfukid 33
@pricelessudy 99
@itz.inno 79
@iaiman 39
@zakludick 43

The winner with the closest prediction (43) is @zakludick he wins 1 HSBI my compliments!

A little bonus, the first two comments on this post will receive a command tip !PIMP (our parts stock list)



Yesterday we had the task of making cart parts under the direction of @noctury who is our woodworking specialist, we produced 45 and we're going to continue building carts to prepare for a possible migration.

We're under attack every day and if the situation is still tenable, we won't be able to continue like this in the long term.

We sent a group of fighters to the village near where the abandoned rum shipment was.
It didn't go well and we suffered casualties.
The village had been completely destroyed, and we had to deal with a large number of Epidemic Z infected.
While searching the village for healthy survivors, we found documents confirming a trade route to TAKA Island, which would probably be our only hope of survival.

On the way back we observed an interesting behavior from the infected: as we passed through a river ford, they stopped following us. They seem to be keeping their distance from the water, which we'll have to use to defend ourselves.

I'm going to ask our villagers to install a device to flood the ditch surrounding our palisade, and everyone will have to help.



Only for @noctury, @sinelux, @melinda010100, @itharagaian and @stekene
For more information, read the following post:

Dear villagers, your job today (BUILD) is to fill the ditch surrounding our village with water. I've sent you each 1 HSBI.

For the parts-themed High/Low game, @noctury had the profession bonus, the reference number is 45.
And there were 4 participants:

@stekene LOW
@melinda010100 LOW
@noctury HIGH
@sinelux LOW

The number 45 is in the yellow zone for high and low, no one has won however you all receive 1 HSBI for your participation.

I remind you of the table of possible winnings:

(FRENCH version)

Dans ce blog vous pouvez gagner 1 HSBI chaque jour.
Aujourd'hui c'est le jeu de la question (simple) où il vous faudra faire preuve de rapidité.
Je vais aussi donner le résultat du giveaway du nombre aléatoire d'hier.


La première personne qui donne la bonne réponse à cette question obtient 1 HSBI:

  • Dans le jeu de @noctury d'aujourd'hui, vous pouvez gagner une carte Epic du jeu Splinterlands (ou 1 HSBI), parmi combien de cartes proposées pouvez vous choisir votre récompense ?

Résultat du giveaway "devinez le nombre":

Le nombre de référence est 45 et correspond aux deux derniers chiffres après la virgule du prix de cloture du Particl token en USD sur coingecko.com hier soir à minuit UTC (03/07/2024): $0.211145
Vous pouvez le voir en suivant ce lien:

Les participants étaient:
@diamondinthesky 30
@itharagaian 55
@melinda010100 73
@stekene 9
@noctury 5
@sinelux 85
@benefice-net 27
@almajandra 67
@yecier 88
@j2e2xae 72
@soyernesto 62
@idea-make-rich 10
@chaosmagic23 23
@olaf.gui 69
@kungfukid 33
@itz.inno 79
@iaiman 39
@zakludick 43

Le gagnant avec la prédiction la plus proche (43) est @zakludick il gagne 1 HSBI tous mes compliments!

Un petit bonus, les deux premiers commentaires sur ce post recevront une commande tip !PIMP (la liste de notre stock de pièces)



Hier nous avions pour tâche de fabriquer des pièces de charriots sous la direction de @noctury qui est notre spécialiste du travail du bois, nous en avons produit 45 et nous allons continuer à construire des charriots pour nous préparer à une éventuelle migration.

Nous subissons des attaques tous les jours et si la situation est encore tenable, nous ne pourrons pas continuer comme cela sur le long terme.

Nous avons envoyé un groupe de combattants dans le village proche de l'endroit où se trouvait la cargaison de rhum abandonnée.
Ca ne s'est pas bien passé et nous avons subi des pertes.
Le village avait été entièrement détruit et nous avons dû faire face à de nombreux infectés de l'épidémie Z.
En fouillant le village à la recherche de survivants sains nous avons trouvé sur des documents la confirmation d'une route commerciale avec l'ile TAKA qui sera probablement notre seul espoir de survie.

Sur le chemin du retour nous avons observé un comportement intéressant de la part des infectés, alors que nous traversions le gué d'une rivière, ils ont arrêté de nous suivre. Ils semblent se tenir à distance de l'eau, nous devrons nous servir de cette particularité pour nous défendre.

Je vais demander à nos villageois d'installer un dispositif pour inonder le fossé qui entoure notre palisade, tout le monde devra les aider.



Ne concerne que @noctury, @sinelux, @melinda010100, @itharagaian et @stekene
Pour plus d'information lisez le post suivant:

Chers villageois, votre travail aujourd'hui (BUILD) va consister à remplir d'eau le fossé qui entoure notre village. Je vous ai envoyé 1 HSBI à chacun.

Pour le jeu High/Low sur le thème des pièces, c'est @noctury qui avait le bonus de profession, le nombre de référence est 45.
Et Il y a eu 4 participants:

@stekene LOW
@melinda010100 LOW
@noctury HIGH
@sinelux LOW

Le nombre 45 est dans la zone jaune pour high et low, personne n'a gagné cependant vous recevez tous 1 HSBI pour votre participation.

Je rappelle le tableau des gains possibles:

Tagged on demand:@hoosie

Images generated by DALL-E 3 Bing Image Creator


Translation French -> English with https://www.deepl.com/translator


Congratulations @zakludick and thank you @servelle for the blog game. Take care

First comment: !PIMP
Thanks, have a great day 🛞

What do you call an island populated entirely by cakes?

Credit: reddit
@diamondinthesky, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of servelle



Hahaha Thank you a lot @lolzbot and @servelle for the joke, so funny hahaha

You must be killin' it out here!
@servelle just slapped you with 5.000 PIMP, @diamondinthesky.
You earned 5.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 2/2 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Thank you @thepimpdistrict and @servelle for the PIMP. Always Take care

Cheers! I Love You Ily GIF by Chippy the Dog

Congrats @zakludick!



Thanks 😊

Thanks for building 🪣

View or trade LOH tokens.

@melinda010100, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @servelle and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (2/12 calls)

Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.


Better luck for the next game

Wow! I cannot believe that I won that one on a lucky guess! Thank you for the HSBI!

The answer to the question about @noctury is that there are 8 possible cards to win. But I think someone else is before me.

I shall take another guess for this giveaway and say: 42

Congrats again, indeed someone else was faster for the question game.
Next guess the number will be tomorrow.

Oh. All good. Do you tag us in?

yes, all previous participants are tagged for the guess the number game 😀


2000 people die at sea every year.
Let that sink in

Credit: reddit
@zakludick, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of servelle




Thanks for building 🪣

A man tried to sell me a coffin today.
I told him that's the last thing I need.

Credit: reddit
@noctury, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of servelle

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP



Second comment: !PIMP
Congratulations you win (again) the question game and get 1 HSBI

There is indeed a choice of 8 cards

You must be killin' it out here!
@servelle just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @kungfukid.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/2 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District



Merci pour le BUILD, j'essaie ce nouveau tip

Bon, DUO ne fonctionne pas encore on dirait, je reste sur les tips traditionnels

Haha, pas de soucis. Merci en tout cas pour les tips !

Why do you never see elephants hiding in trees?
Because they are so good at it.

Credit: reddit
@stekene, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of servelle

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP



Thanks for building 🪣

What is a birds favorite thing to watch in tv?
A duckumentary.

Credit: reddit
@sinelux, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of servelle



Where should you go in the room if you’re feeling cold?
The corner—they’re usually 90 degrees.

Credit: reddit
@servelle, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of sinelux

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

!BBH 👍



oh oh. your readers are very fast.

Yes, speed is the key in the question game 😀

i'm as slow as a slug

People say I’ve got no willpower
but I’ve quit smoking loads of times.

Credit: marshmellowman
@itz.inno, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of servelle

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.



$PIZZA slices delivered:
hivecurious tipped servelle
servelle tipped almajandra
servelle tipped noctury
servelle tipped hivecurious
almajandra tipped servelle
@melinda010100(1/10) tipped @servelle
servelle tipped itharagaian
noctury tipped servelle


@itharagaian passed you the virtual joint!
If you do not want to receive these comments, please reply with !STOP

@servelle, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (1/4) and will start the voting trail.

In addition, @servelle gets !HUG from @hiq.redaktion.

For further questions, check out https://hiq-hive.com or join our Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻

@hiq.smartbot, sorry!

You are out of hugs for today.

You can call the HUG bot a maximum of 2 per day.

The current call limits are:

HUG in walletcalls per day