I AM SORRY @revjohno

in FreeCompliments15 days ago


Sometimes things like this HAPPENS as a warning. God allows such to happen so that His children will be careful knowing that they are not like others.


I was caught in a serious offence which I am least expected. Someone shared a post in my WhatsApp page. The post captured my interest so much. I reposted it as it was in hive, and I forgot to indicate how I got the post.


Of course, such becomes a plagiarism, which is a punishable offence in Hive and Thread. When hivewatchers saw it, they picked it up and punished me mercilessly. They reduced my reputation from 56 to 13, to make such that I can not be visible again.

Sure! They are right in their judgement. I didn't blame them because they did their job perfectly and passed accurate judgement. I rather blame myself who allow such a big offensive/crime and expensive mistake to occur to me.


Really! I offended All my friends who trusted in me and my posts. They have also reduced the respect they have on me. It is not the fault of anyone except me. I caused whatever that has happened to me. But I am still saying sorry.

I am writing to apologize to everyone who picked offence on me to please pardon me. Have mercy on me. I have confessed this evil unto God Almighty whom I always stand before Him. I believe He has forgiven me.

Please I am so sorry! I vowed before God Almighty and you that I will never disappoint your trust on me again. I will always be Faithful, Genuine and Truthful.

I am sincerely saying "SORRY" to All in my community. "SORRY" to All in Hive and Thread.
I remain your humble servant @revjohno



Let’s hope you can make a come back. Remember, posting once a day is best, as I suggested in the past.

Thanks so much.

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This is a great encouragement. You have really helped me to come back. Thanks!

You're welcome @revjohno. Looking forward to you reaching your new target 😅

Appreciate the apology, Reverend. Let's start fresh. 😊


You didn't do a single mistake, though, did you? There's a bunch of shabby posts mentioned in Hivewatchers channel.

I have taken precaution on All of them. None of such will repeat itself. Mark my words. Please forgive with your heart. Let's start a fresh. Thanks.

Well, the only thing I noticed was you shouting religious crap on Threads. Not my cup of tea anyways. It just surprised me when I run into this, where you mention a mistake, not many mistakes...

You don't need my forgivness, I don't really care :) Do what you want to do, and bear consequences if you try to scam the system :)

Although I'm not religious myself, calling it "religious crap" seems kind of mean-spirited. It's something very meaningful to a lot of people, and gives them some sense of purpose.

At any rate, I'm willing to give John a second chance in this community. Everyone has the capacity to improve upon their errors, provided they're willing.

@revjohno, just for your information, I know there's a process that Hivewatchers has you go through so it may be some time before you see rewards on your posts again.

If I spotted a tiny bit of adherence to the religious claims, I would't call it crap :) The very last post is just it - not his own work - copy paste from someplace.

Whats the point?