Weekend Engagement - We Don't Live In Dreamland

in Weekend Experiences2 days ago


Do you feel your dreams have a significance, are trying to telling you something or have a meaning or purpose and if so why?

When I was younger, I always assumed that dreams were just random thoughts that came from pure imagination and of course, nothing significant. But my view changed when the topic of dreams casually become the topic of discussion in one of the chats with my friends some time back.

The question that my friend posed to us was that, whenever we see ourselves talking in our dreams, is it always in English and Mandarin (i.e. the two main languages we know)? And this was a Eureka moment for me - it's so true and so I nodded.

So my friend went on further, and asked why we couldn't speak other languages, be it Japanese, Spanish, etc in our dreams, and only can speak the languages we know. I think the point of his message was clear - there is some link between our dreams and our real self and it's not completely random episodes of imagination.

That said, I do feel the meaning of dreams is still quite fuzzy. I used to have many weird dreams when I was younger, to name a few:

  • Me in an armour suit and slaying dragons
  • Me jumping out of windows (and then waking up all of a sudden)
  • Me waking up late for exams (and to realise that I am already a working adult and I have no more exams)
  • Me meeting friends who I have never seen for many years

I am sure there are many types of analysis online for dreams, be it straightforward ones like maybe I am stressed about work (and hence I dreamt of the exams one), or maybe I am missing people (and hence I dreamt of them). These are logical but I don't think everything can be explained. Slaying dragons? And in case if you think jumping out of windows relates to suicidal tendencies, I can assure it's not possible because I am still around after all these years.

At the end of the day, dreams are stuff that I don't put too much attention to over-analyse and overthink these days. It's nice to be able to fly and do other incredible stuff in the imaginary world, but once the sleep ends, and when we wake up, it's back to the real world that we live in. We don't live in the dreamland. It's better to focus on energy to deal with real life challenges and chase our ambitions and goals.

And that's all of my little sharing this weekend. Have a restful weekend everyone! :)



Nice share.

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Nice and comprehensive share.

@relf87, @vaynard86(2/10) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | <>< daily

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Good conclusion, although the dream world is still fascinating to me, as you say, it is surely better to concentrate our energy on the “real world”.

Hehe thanks for the kind words! A bit of both is the way to go sometimes!


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