I promised to make selection of my fave reggae tracks several times, but reggae is such a huge planet; an ocean, a huge Solaris! where you can drown endlessly and happily. Today, when Christmas is coming to us, it is the right time - I want to share exactly this kind of bright and joyful music, the quintessence of happiness, not diluted with the slightest crap touch of any sort. So, its reggae with no other options! And as for names ... I don't have too many. I am into three names usually: King Tubby, Desmond Decker, Lee Perry - that is quite enough stuff for me... in fact, one can limit yourself to just one! Worth your attention: Lee 'Scratch' Perry!
Вот уже несколько раз я обещал поделиться своими любимыми регги-треками. Регги - это огромная планета, океан, Солярис, в котором можно тонуть бесконечно и счастливо. Сегодня, когда к нам приходит Рождество, самое правильное время - мне хочется поделиться именно такой светлой и радостной музыкой, квинтэссенцией счастья, не разбавленной ни малейшей примесью херни. Так что - регги, без вариантов! А что касается конкретных имен... я не большой знаток, мне достаточно всего двух-трех: King Tubby, Desmond Decker, Lee Perry... и фактически можно ограничиться им одним. Встречайте: Ли 'Скретч' Перри!
Here goes a little photo-part... NONE of the images belong to me (obviously! most of these photos were taken even before I was born, hehe). Although I cant credit the exact sources.
(c) Peter Yang
(c) Max Romeo
(c) Peter Yang
(c) Andy Cotterill
The Upsetters — Black Panta
Dont be confused by 'the Upsetters' title - the track was written, arranged and produced, as the label says, by Upsetter Lee Perry, he was the producer / creative person behind this music.
Lee "Scratch" Perry — Simon the sorcerer
I can't talk about music, but... Perry's music is magic. Not voodoo magic, no. It's sound magic, vibe magic. It's not exactly known how he did it... he probably just managed to reach the Other Side. There are just two kinds of music: one is from space, and the other is the one made by marketers, and his reggae is the real stuff. The musical basis (size) is the most trivial, but even the smallest details, sound loops and strokes excite you... this music is full of magic and vibe. That's why I love it.
Я не умею говорить о музыке, но... музыка Перри - это магия. Не магия вуду, нет. Это магия саунда, магия вайба. Доподлинно неизвестно, как он это делал... наверное, просто смог дотянуться до Той Стороны. Просто существует два вида музыки: одна - из космоса, а вторая - та, что сделана маркетологами, и вот как раз его регги это настоящий стафф. Музыкальная основа (размер) самая тривиальная, но тебя возбуждают даже мельчайшие детали, звуковые лупы и штрихи... эта музыка полна магии и вайба. Именно за это я ее и люблю.
Desmond Dekker & the Aces — Israelites
I could fill like ten #ttt posts with Lee Perry music, but kinda would love to divercify the names... a bit. No time now to talk much about Desmond Decker, cause in 5 minutes I have to run off to my office. But look what I have found! The ReelinInTheYears music archive provided this opportunity to travel back in time, in the year 1969 - isnt it charming?!
Somebody in the internet once have said: before there was Bob Marley, there was Desmond Dekker!! A true King of Reggae. I guess not everyone will agree to that but ... there is some sufficient truth to that isnt it? Let's give a little justice to this reggae hero, whose name today is in the shadow of another shining god - Bob Marley.
'They don't do it like that anymore! Lucky we. I hope you enjoyed today's music selection, and travelling around the globe without leaving the Hive. 😎 The post goes for Three Tune Tuesday challenge run by @ablaze. Previous issues: 106 | 107 | 108 | 109 | 110 | 111 | 112 | 113 | 114 | 115 | 116 | 118 | 121 | 122 | 123 | 124 | 125 | 126 | 127 | 128 | 129 | 131 | 140 | 141 | 142 | 143 | 144 | 146 | 147 | 148 | 149 | 151 | 152 | 154 | 156 | 157 | 165 | 167 | 168 | 170 | 171 | 172 |