in MCGI Cares Hive3 months ago

God willing that I will continue to pen down all which i have been learning from Gods servant Brother Eli soriano. Of a true this particular topic gives me joy in my whole body and mind because it has gone far on teaching me that which am ought to know as Gods child am I.

We are made to understand that death is something which every mortal must pass through be it anyway such person may die. We were also made to understand that death to Gods children does not mean that we did evil unto the sight of God but it is to be fufiled that is written in Gods word according to the book of ACT 17:31 that as we are facing death, in these same way must we face Gods judgement when we shall ascend to heaven to stand before our father to say all way which we have worked and served him here on earth.

We were taught that our saviour death Christ Jesus has taught us there is:

And Gods servant made us to understand that there is no way which we can run away from facing Gods JUDGEMENT because it is that which has proven to us that there is God and God our father own the most supreme power and that he exist in his throne.

And as many who might refuse to serve and to do that which he has commanded us here on earth to do that definitely one day such soul shall die and will go to meet their maker and creator standing faultless before him to give account of how he or she might have serve God either in truth or in spirit.

Let us explore this particular Gods word according to the book of ACT 17: 31 and ECCLESIASTES 8:8 we were made to understand that God has already ordained a day that every soul which he has created to give account of how faithful, trustworthy, or decieful in serving him. When we shall stand before him all alone without any help from our friends, family or our beloved wife or husband.

Therefore in much as we know this, we must therefore do that which is right and acceptable in the sight of God and desisting from things which do not glorify Gods name and the work of God but to be seen as people who will keep on promoting the work of our father and mostly in all helping our fellow brethren most especially to those who are in thesame fellowship with us.