Hello friends! I finally hit the 72 reputation mark this week!
It was showing as "72" next to my name on posts but the header on my page was still reading 71.90 or whatever it was for some time, so I was happy to see I finally officially crossed the threshold. I guess in posts it rounds up at some point, but now I'm really there! :)
I am also so close to getting the monthly author badge for the first time!
Yes, I have been on Hive for over 6 years now and have never earned this one before. Daily posting is rather hard for me to maintain, so I'm really proud of this one! This post that I am writing now should be #31. I am writing it now because in the morning I go back to the dentist to get the stitches pulled out of my mouth, and then I'm running errands with my mom and I don't want to miss the last one if I'm too tired after!!
It is almost Imbolc (1st February), and I got a wind to do some outdoor cleaning and cleansing today. Took down the Yule decorations and put Brighid's cows in the window, cleaned the front stoop and front door altar, and a bit on the balcony. I also planted some flower seeds that need to be cold weather stratified (they need to be planted in the winter to germinate in spring).
Cows are sacred to the Goddess Brighid
The weather prediction is that it will be a nice day on Imbolc, which traditionally means winter will continue for a while, because the Cailleach has made it a nice day so she can go out and gather more firewood to last the longer winter. So we'll see if that's how it all pans out! :)
Have a great day, everyone!