Frog Battle Card Game RoadMap Update

in LeoFinancelast month

Today we hab sum update as we get closer to da Frog Battle Card Game.


From our dedicated frog dev department:

Tuning all the parameters is challenging and fun too. Luckily we already have a functioning game in MetaRobots and also a functioning test PEPE Game (also in MR) so we have 2 examples of games with different parameters. Both are working pretty well.

We hab werking models thanks to @metarobots and our test Frog Battle Card game which hab been werking gud! Wen we release our own stand alone game we will werk on gibing moar rewards. We'll be concentrating on paying start up and ongoing costs to get tings werking smoothly and hab'n sum frogs, humans, and/or bots takin' kare of tings.

Invites will be given to Game Managers "soon". People inviting others will contact them and let them know they are invited. That could be automated through Hive token transfer messages in the future.

Initial game play access will be by invites. So watch fer those invites! Will hab sum as @pepetoken and so will sum others in our community. Question may be who took invite first! Shall see how many invites me hab and how many want to be invited. Maybe those that hab lots of PEPE tokens staked and/or hab been very engaging in da community.

Once invited, a person can go to the website and accept the invite by joining. Then they can play a demo game to see how it works.

We can look forward to da website and trying out da demo game!

If they like it and want to play for rewards, they will have to buy at least one card pack. They will get in-game currency when they buy packs, to pay for playing games. Buying more packs gets them more currency. Once someone buys packs, then they can play any battles they want and earn currency on wins. They can buy/sell packs, buy/sell cards, level up cards too. They can apply to become an inviter and invite their friends also.

Buying one pack will get you three cards with two commons and another card of rarity Rare or better. With three cards you will be able to go play a battle. You may see some of my other blog posts to learn more. Then you'll be able to buy and sell packs and cards, as well as level up your cards to higher levels to play higher levels and earn more rewards. Once you are invited you'll be able to apply to become an inviter and invite your frens.

That's the roadmap as of today. :)

There you hab it! Froggie card game soon...

Feels Good Man!


*notification list (comment to be added): @beckyonweb @bitphoto @blanchy @efmm @elizabethbit @ganjafarmer @gregscloud @ironshield @kenny-crane @nomaddreamer @pepe.voter @thebighigg @tydynrain @zonadigital21 *

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Sounds marvelous, and I'm really looking forward to the game's debut! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

Mi froggie too!🙏 💚 ✨ !ALIVE !BBH

Soon, soon, it will be here! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙



I'm glad I know sign language
It's pretty handy.

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