The impact of Hive price halving on token distribution and curation: A focus on smaller accounts

in LeoFinance21 days ago

Fear for lower engagement

The Hive blockchain, known for its vibrant community and decentralized content platform, recently experienced a halving in the price of its native cryptocurrency, Hive. This significant change has far-reaching implications on the distribution of new Hive tokens and the curation process, especially affecting smaller accounts.

Understanding the halving effect

The halving of Hive’s price essentially means that the market value of each Hive token has decreased by 50%. For content creators and curators on the Hive platform, this change impacts the rewards system, which is intrinsically tied to the value of Hive tokens. The rewards pool, funded by the creation of new tokens, becomes less lucrative when the token value drops. Consequently, users receive fewer financial rewards for their contributions, which could alter the dynamics of participation and engagement on the platform.

Distribution of new Hive tokens

New Hive tokens are distributed through a process that rewards content creation and curation. When the price of Hive drops, the relative value of these rewards diminishes. For smaller accounts, which already face challenges in earning significant rewards due to lower visibility and influence, this reduction can be particularly discouraging. These users may find it harder to gain traction and see meaningful returns on their efforts, potentially leading to decreased motivation to contribute quality content.

Additionally, the drop in token value can widen the gap between smaller and larger accounts. Larger accounts, with their higher voting power and influence, can still accumulate rewards at a faster rate, even if the absolute value of those rewards is lower. This disparity might exacerbate the existing inequalities within the community, making it tougher for smaller accounts to grow and thrive.

Curation and its challenges

Curation on Hive involves voting on content to distribute rewards from the rewards pool. The halving of the Hive price impacts curators as well, since the value of their curation rewards is directly tied to the token’s market value. For smaller curators, who rely on curation rewards to boost their earnings and influence on the platform, the reduced token value means they must work harder to achieve the same level of rewards.

Smaller accounts might also struggle with the cost-benefit analysis of voting. Given the reduced rewards, the cost of voting (in terms of potential gains versus voting power spent) becomes a more critical consideration. This shift could lead to more conservative voting behaviors, where users might prefer to save their voting power rather than spend it on uncertain rewards, thus impacting the overall engagement and dynamism of the Hive ecosystem.

The halving of the price of Hive presents significant challenges, particularly for smaller accounts on the platform. The reduced value of token rewards affects both content creation and curation, potentially leading to lower engagement and a widening gap between smaller and larger accounts. To mitigate these effects, the Hive community might need to explore new strategies and mechanisms to support and incentivize smaller accounts, ensuring a more equitable and vibrant ecosystem.

This period could be a pivotal moment for the futur of Hive and its existance in the crypto community...



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This should have the opposite effect because HIVE is easier to earn. HIVE may have lost value, but the opportunity to earn more HIVE should be more important than dollar values right now. The dollar payout on posts has dropped but if you look at the HIVE rewards they would have increased. If users are ignorant and driven by price then let them do less and learn a valuable lesson. This is the time of growth and we should welcome this golden opportunity.

What do you mean rewards increase? I don't see that at all. Hive is failing more and more by the day on many levels. Price, user adoption, advertising, whales, manipulation, shadow censorship. Totally failed. I'll never buy this failure again. I've lost a fortune here.

The dollar rewards will drop due to price, but you receive more Hive. You don't need to buy as I never bought 1 Hive.

Well I bought buddy. So I'm at a loss. Let's be real here.

Yes that is real and feel your pain. Price will rise and this is just the entire market and not just Hive dropping in price. This will change over the next few months.

Yes I presume so. But Hive is my biggest holding and Hive is the worst performer. I put my faith in the wrong project.

We must just be patient here as this happened in the last cycle and Hive performed vey well. There are no guarantees, but I do think it will do well again. Unfortunately we are different to other cryptos without a proper marketing team in place.

Tragic. Hive looks like a failure, charts speak volumes. I've lost so much by investing in Hive. Big failure to have faith in this token. I loved the Hive project once but that's long gone. Going from bad to worse.

well explained. and yes.. good thing i always looked to this chain to get my social media fix instead of fb/twitter/etc and for interacting with awesome, cool ppl. :)