European car lobby rings alarm bell, millions of jobs at stake!

in LeoFinance6 days ago

EU CO2 restrictions

The European Commission has kept their goals unchanged, by 2035 no more new cars with a combustion engine can be enrolled. But in the meantime the restrictions for CO2 emissions for new cars will get stricter by the year.

The European car lobby, ACEA says there are only two options for them. They can choose to produce 2 million less cars or they can risk 1: billion EUR in fines by the EU. Either way, millions of jobs in manufacturing are at risk.

Especially with the invasion of cheap Chinese electric vehicles and the price cuts by Tesla.

Postpone the proposed goals

ACEA asks the European Commission to postpone the proposed goals, and make the CO2 restrictions less strict. That way the European car industry would get the necessary oxygen to adapt their production processes and still stay profitable.

In my opinion the goals are madness, especially because the rest of the world will keep on allowing combustion engines. The electric vehicles are just too expensive for the common man so they have no other choice than buying a gasoline or diesel engine car.

Let’s hope common sense comes back with our European leaders…



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