well, i finally saw that peakd on mobile allows me to customize my feed to only see those that interest me, and i read your post.
something that saved me more than once is workaway.info, i have written on it also.
people cam host you in exchange for your skills. question then becomes what you enjoy doing? maybe pet sitting? gardening? language teaching?
you can browse hosts by "country" and activity for free. maybe you find someone to host you, my lady and i have done this successfully a few times.
contacting a host does require an active membership, which is like 50 bucks a year, but merely finding options you can see yourself in might make this perceived shake up of your life more optimistic.
i know you have many skills and are riding the cosmic trend on earth, albeit you are early to the trade. people are slow to catch on, but platforms like workaway or mindmyhouse.com do often have people who are not fully indoctrinated normies.
maybe it is worth checking out. you could also sign up with your friend as a team.
i feel humanity has a lot of challenge coming in the immediate future, it's just that the specifics differ from individual to individual.
i wish you all the best, and faith that life will take you where it needs you at this time.
blessings <3