Mensaje diario de 5 minutos: Un cambio de vida después de una enfermedad. ESP/EN.

in Freewriters8 months ago



Pront: Neumonía.

Carlos no dejaba de ver el techo de su habitación en el hospital, hacía pocos días que había salidos de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos, donde fue ingresado debido al alto nivel de infección que había casado en sus pulmones, una neumonía, que se había agravado mucho por su hábito de fumar.

Ahora, mirando al techo de la habitación en el área de observación del hospital, se preguntaba que tan fuertes serían las consecuencias de la enfermedad y que tanto le había afectado a sus pulmones el ser un fumado constante. En esos momentos recordaba la lo que le decía su mamá y su esposa, cuando constantemente le pedían que dejara de fumar.

Carlos por fin vio una luz al final del túnel, cuando al tercer día estar en la sala de observación, pudo realizar una bocanada de aire fresco, en ese momento Carlos le dio gracias a Dios y a la vida por poder respirar, y de sus ojos salieron lágrimas al voltear la vista, y ver como venían caminado hacia su cama su esposa embarazada y su madre.

Ambas lo vieron, y se asustaron al ver las lágrimas en sus ojos, sin embargo; Carlos pudo pararse de la cama sin hacer mucho esfuerzo de la cama y las abrazó, dándole las gracias a su esposa y su madre, por estar con él y ser parte de su vida, abrazándolas con fuerza, entendiendo que gracias a la neumonía y su vicio de fumador, pudo haberlas perdido para siempre.

Carlos salió a los pocos días del hospital, y estando de reposo en casa, comenzó a buscar diferentes opciones que lo ayudaran a luchar contra el vicio del cigarro.

Y logró hacerlo, con la meditación, y el apoyo familiar, y cada vez que sentía la necesidad de fumar, luchaba contra ese deseo, apoyándose en el recuerdo de los rostros de miedo de su madre y de su esposa, cuando él estaba hospitalizado, debido a la neumonía de la que se había enfermado.

Al final, Carlos le decía a todo el mundo, que gracias a esa neumonía y a la hospitalización que tuvo por su causa, logró aprender que era lo más importante en su vida, y le daba gracias a Dios por la experiencia y la enseñanza recibida, y por el acercamiento y los valores familiares que se habían reafirmado en su vida.

Muchas gracias por leerme.

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Invito a los siguientes a participar: @esbat, @alicia2022.



To Read in English



A change of life after an illness.

Prompt: Pneumonia.

Carlos kept seeing the ceiling of his room in the hospital, a few days ago he had left the Intensive Care Unit, where he was admitted due to the high level of infection that had married in his lungs, pneumonia, which had been greatly aggravated by his smoking habit.

Now, looking at the ceiling of the room in the observation area of the hospital, he wondered how strong the consequences of the disease would be and that being a constant smoker had affected his lungs so much. At those moments he remembered what his mother and his wife told him, when they constantly asked him to stop smoking.

Carlos finally saw a light at the end of the tunnel, when on the third day being in the observation room, he was able to take a breath of fresh air, at that moment Carlos thanked God and life for being able to breathe, and tears came out of his eyes when he looked away, and saw how his pregnant wife and his mother were walking towards his bed.

They both saw it, and were scared to see the tears in their eyes, however; Carlos was able to get up from the bed without making much effort from the bed and hugged them, thanking his wife and his mother, for being with him and being part of his life, hugging them tightly, understanding that thanks to pneumonia and his smoking habit, he could have lost them forever.

Carlos left the hospital a few days later, and while resting at home, he began to look for different options that would help him fight against cigarette smoking.

And he managed to do it, with meditation, and family support, and every time he felt the need to smoke, he fought against that desire, relying on the memory of the scared faces of his mother and his wife, when he was hospitalized, due to the pneumonia from which he had become ill.

In the end, Carlos told everyone that thanks to that pneumonia and the hospitalization he had because of it, he managed to learn that it was the most important thing in his life, and he thanked God for the experience and the teaching he received, and for the closeness and family values that had been reaffirmed in his life.
Thank you very much for reading me.

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I invite the following to participate: @esbat, @alicia2022.

Translated with (free version)


