This activity report was supposed to be my threshold harder zone 4 workout for the week. We even picked out a flatter faster concrete path parkrun, but I struggled to get into it and even felt sluggish during my warm-up. Maybe I hadn't slept the best.
Checking the data and stats afterwards was very interesting.
25:18 was almost a minute faster than last week, which was better than I was hoping for, my fastest time for the year, and probably 6 months. But my heart rate was way lower than what it felt like. It definitely felt like zone 4 threshold the whole way, like if I went any faster, I could not hold it for long.
Previously, that feeling and pace would have me in zone 4 the whole way, any how I suppose it is another positive and technical, which means I should be able to push a little harder next week and hopefullyget under 25 minutes.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on