Memoir Monday week 9 What Do You Worry About?

in Silver Bloggers5 months ago

This is my post for #memoir Monday prompt what do you worry about? hosted by @ericvancewalton

I have a son and three grandchildren who are missing from this photo. These are the people who I worry about. My parents are both gone, I have lost all of my brothers and I have one sister who shows me she cares for me, I do love the other one, just because I feel I have to, but I do not worry about her.

My children are all adults now but there are1. only two that I never worry about how they are doing. The other three there is not a day goes by that I don't worry about them, but I try to put them in God's hands and Pray they will be alright, I try to tell myself that they are adults and are living the life they want to live but still I worry. One is not on drugs, he is having a hard time with having to move, but the other two are on drugs and there is nothing I can do to help them unless they want help.

Other than these people I do not worry about much else, there is no room in my head for other worries. I used to worry about how I was going to pay the bills but somehow they always got paid. I used to worry about if we would have enough food to feed 5 kids but they never went hungry.

I have found that worrying, causes me to have a lot of sleepless nights for nothing, in the end, everything will work out, all you need to do is have Faith that it will work out.

This is something I wish I could teach my husband, there is not a day that goes by that he is not worrying. He thinks he needs to live in a world where everything goes to his plan and if something does not, he acts like it is the end of the world.

Case in point. We grow areca palms to sell and every spring I put them up for sale, the first week we sold several, then the next week we had several people say they were coming but did not show, that was it, he said we will not grow anymore, we can not make it by selling them, people are buying another type of plant for hedges, they do not want arecas anymore, blah blah blah. This week we have sold almost all that are ready to sell. He never has Faith that things will work.

Thinking about it, I worry about how my grandchildren will make it in this ever growing and expensive world but then, I remember hearing my Dad talk with his friends and saying how his children will make it in this world and here I am making it.


We all share the same worries, it seems. Here, you show us that somehow, everything gets taken care of. I'd be worried about the addicts too, though. How can that not be worrisome?

That is my biggest worry, it is always in my heart.

The family and how the new generations will do it are common worries although as you say it is nothing new because our grandparents and parents also worried about the same thing in their day.
I also believe that we have to have faith that things will work out. I used to be a bit like your husband, I liked things to go as I had planned and if it didn't happen it was the end of the world, but the world goes on, so worry about it doesn't help, does it?

@coquicoin I am glad to hear you no longer think negatively, maybe there is hope for my husband. I pray one day he will see that not everything goes his way and it does not help to worry about them.

Hello @myjob

This is @coquicoin and I'm part of the Silver Bloggers’ Community Team.

Thank you for sharing your excellent post in the Silver Bloggers community! As a special "token" of appreciation for this contribution to our community, it has been upvoted and curated.


Thank you @coquicoin

Hello @myjob. What an awesome and thought-provoking story you share of your family and how you worry about some of them. This is an issue that I'm familiar with. Worrying about children is natural for a parent. But when they are grown, there is little you can do except pray for them that all will be well. Some will listen; others will not. Worrying will only make you ill in your physical body and your mental sphere.

I love how you always have hope and belief in God that all will work itself out. I hope one day your spouse will realize the same. I was happy to hear your sales picked up, and you were able to sell your areca palms.

Thanks for sharing. Take care.

Thank you @justclickindiva,
When you become a mother, it is for life and I know they have to make their own choices but still, the mother in me worries about them. Like I said in my post, I used to worry myself sick but one day I looked back at all the hard times and thought how did I ever get through this? So one day it hit me, things will work out, they always have and always will, we get through them and move on to the next crisis, I like to say, "This too, shall pass." and it does.

Yes, you are parents for life and naturally will worry some. I still do worry a bit about my daughters some times when they're contemplating a new unknown venture. But the situations always seem to work themselves out. Like I told my husband as you did yours, it may not be the way we would have done it...but it got done on their terms.

And if they need help, we are here to assist in whatever manner that is sensible. And if they are wrong in their approach, we'll tell them that too.

Thanks for the engagement.

I am trying to trust God for the big things and the little things. Some days it is easier than others.

I think back to all the hard times I had, and I made it through them. Life is hard we do not need our thoughts to make it harder.