Memoir Monday week 13 How would you describe your faith journey?

in Silver Bloggers4 months ago

This is my post for #memoirmonday week 13 hosted by @ericvancewalton. Prompt How would you describe your faith journey?

When I was 7 years old my parents divorced and Dad got custody of all 5 of Mom's children, and he would not let her take us away from our home so we did not get to go to Church with her.

So as a child, I never went to Church, not one day. That does not mean that I did not have to listen to Church preachings. My Dad preached every day to anyone who would listen and even to the ones who did not want to listen to him. I was one of them, I do not remember when I started doing it but I think it was around 10 years old, he would start preaching and I learned how to tune him out, he could talk on and on and I had no clue as to what he was saying, which today I regret doing. I do remember him saying the Bible has been changed too much to believe what you read as the truth, like it was not an apple that Eve ate, he said apples had nothing to do with it, but I quit listening.

One day I asked him what religion we were, were we Baptist? He told me NO, you are a true Christian and then started in on telling me what a True Christian was, I let my mind go to other places, so don't ask me what a true Christian is.

He owned a bar at his campground and one day when my husband and I were in the ocean with our net overboard, we were tied up to another fisherman's boat, he was an older fisherman who knew my Dad and used to go to his bar. He started telling a story about my dad, he said one day he walked into the bar and my dad had a Bible in one hand and a shotgun in the other, he said he asked my dad what he was doing, and my Dad said I am preaching and they are listening.

My Dad preached to all the people who came to his campground. One time a musician named Dallas Frazier came to camp, I had no clue who he was, but Dad and him talked for all the days he camped. Then one day I heard this song on the radio, the man had wrote and sang a song about my Dad's preachings, I do not know the meaning behind it because I knew if I asked my Dad, I would be subject to hours of being preached. Now I regret not asking. The record was in the top 10 on the radio, this was in the 1960s, I want to say somewhere between 63 to 66 but I am not positive about that.

My Mom was raised Catholic but later imbraced all religions, the first time I went to a church was with her, I was in my 20s. I had heard of people jumping around in the Church but had never witnessed it until that day. I would not say that I was amused, I was amazed, I was in a Pentecostal Church. I was sitting there watching people throwing their hands in the air, people rolling on the floor, people jumping up and down, people saying words that I did not know, and then my little sister started, Mom said they were talking in Tongues. I had never heard this before but knew what it was and I had no clue as to what she was saying. Later I asked what she was saying and she said she did not know, she said the Holy Spirit had a hold on her.

My Mom never preached at me like I felt my Dad was doing, she always spoke in a way of giving love and receiving love from others. She would tell me if something was bothering me to open the Bible and I would find the answer on the page I opened. I thought this worked on some things but not all or maybe it works on all and I do not understand what I read or I was reading the wrong thing. I have not opened the Bible since she died. It was such a big part of her life and when I even look at it all I want to do is cry for her to still be here.

Me not going to Church and not listening to my Dad preach does not say that I do not believe, I do believe there is a God, and a Heaven and Hell. Do we go to one or the other when we pass on or do we live in Hell and go to Heaven when we die, this I do not know.


Sounds very funny now, back then it wasn't I bet, no wonder you learned to 'switch-off' with a father being quite zealous character, Mom only arriving later in life.

Looked into that record, only ever a seven-single and lyrics being sought after, perhaps to listen and try reveal through the words written in the song?

Amazing recall over the years to a time when children actually had no say in the matter, you managed to avoid Sunday school!


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Well……I hear he is a pain in the neck.

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I am not sure what you mean by this only ever a seven-single and lyrics being sought after. Did you listen to it? It has been a long time since I listened to it but when I did, I could not figure out what the meaning was.

I might have avoided Sunday School but not the being preached to every day.

Your Dad being a preacher man obviously believed his interpretation of written book. I have met similar over the years, many different bibles in English, one was the Old King James version translated directly from Greek apparently.

'Birthmark' on listening to the song I would interpret as our flaws which each has. Many songs lyrics are written then people attempt to relate to what the meaning is, this song they have not yet found. Although the Transcript is available next to song on YouTube.

Perhaps one day you will understand knowing the situation, perhaps better than most.

Thank you for your comment. Dad was not a Preacher, he just preached to people what he thought was the true meaning of the Bible. It is funny what you said about the Old King James version, if I remember correctly, that is the version he said was the most true.

I wish I had not learned to tune him out and now I would understand what he was trying to tell me and the meaning behind this song. It makes sense what you said 'Birthmark' on listening to the song I would interpret as our flaws which each has.

Back growing up you did not require a church house to be a preacher, many walked around spreading the word they felt you should hear.

Tuning out was something I trained myself to do from a young age as well with certain people/topics, sometimes wish I had listened !LOLZ

Did you hear about the guy who threw his alarm clock while hosting a party?
He wanted to see if time flys while having fun.

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Maybe more kids learn the tuning out technique than we think.

We need it !LOLZ have a brilliant weekend!

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Same to you, it has been a pleasure chatting with you.

It sounds as if your Dad had some one-of-a-kind beliefs. and wow, that was quite a switch for your mother, from Catholic to Pentecostal! I can understand your reluctance to read the Bible, since it makes you miss your mother. But perhaps she would be happy to know you were reading it and thinking of her. It is full of comforting passages.

Maybe when more time goes by since her death, then I can open it, but right now tears come every time I think of her.
She did not only go to Pentecostal Churches, I think she enjoyed all of them.
As for my Dad, I do not know the words to explain his beliefs, but one thing I do know even though he talked about what is written in the Bible not being all true, he could recite it word for word.

Hello @myjob

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Thank you @tengolotodo

A bible in one hand and a shotgun in the other seems a sure way to preach to someone to get them doing what you want. You Dad sounded some character. And your mother switching religions like that seems a courageous thing to do. It is ironic I don't people preaching to me about anything, that maybe why I am not a big on religion so to speak, I have been caught up in so many wars around the war in the name of the religion, the only thing do is hurt the little guy.
A great entry and I always like hearing your memoirs and seeing your photos too!
Have a great week and don't forget we have a giveway going on to celebrate our third anniversary of Silver Bloggers. Celebration Time! We are Three - Happy Birthday Silver Bloggers!

I have not seen wars personally but I understand what you are saying.
I think my Mother enjoyed the fellowship she found in all religions but in her later years she did not go to Catholic Churches she stayed with Baptist and Pentecostal.
My Dad was something else, that is for sure.
Thank you for your kind words.

A bible in one hand and a shotgun in the other

That's the line that caught my eye, too.
And of course the Pentecostals, slain by the Spirit, speaking in tongues...
And the whole story: Dad gets custody of all five kids. This is unusual.
Dad lectures, kids tune him out.
In later years, who doesn't wish they'd listened more closely and learned more about Dad...
Thanks for the memories, @myjob!
I don't know if I could "Go There," with this one... I've shut down, but not enough. People continue to get mad at me and slam doors in my face, and I keep thinking I must be well underway with dementia, totally oblivious to how I sound or what I say and unable to even remember saying anything to cause these door slammings.
If ever I know I have dementia, in a lucid moment, I will find my way to the river and slip away!!
See, this is why I stopped writing. :) But I'm glad you're still at it!
God bless your mom, and all your loved ones.

So interesting that the musician wrote that song about your dad! I have to try to find it online and have a listen. Was your father's zeal for preaching inherited from his parents?

Yes, I never knew my Grandfather, he passed before I was born, but I have been told he was very religious, but during prohibition, he was also a moonshiner people called him Shine Thompson. He delivered to the Judges at the courthouse and the Sheriff's office in our town, Dad said he put the moonshine under the back seat of his car and put Dad and two of his brothers back there.

Dad preaching all of the time and owning a bar, these things do not make sense to me. One of my uncles had a huge loudspeaker on top of his truck and he drove around town preaching over it.
I have a crazy family.

Your family probably is far less crazy than you think.
Doesn't everyone think their family is crazy?
Aren't we all crazy?
If you were born and raised in Florida, you may have a bit more "claim to fame" with the craziness:

Florida Man is an Internet meme first popularized in 2013, referring to an alleged prevalence of people performing irrational or maniacal actions in the U.S. state of Florida. Internet users typically submit links to news stories and articles about unusual or strange crimes and other events occurring in Florida, with stories' headlines often beginning with "Florida Man..." followed by the main event of the story. --Wikipedia

Dave Barry, "A Swamp Tale," really nails the Florida character.
We in the Midwest tend more toward that Grant Wood painting, "American Gothic."
Or did - before the 1970s and meth and a lot of drug trafficking and unsolved murders.
Moonshiners, gun-toting Bible-beating preachers.
You: "One of my uncles had a huge loudspeaker on top of his truck and he drove around town preaching over it." Me: Well, God bless him. He wasn't dealing drugs, right? There's that!

I have heard the phrase Florida man. I was born here and so was my Dad, so we both qualify as "Florida man/woman". My husband has a saying when he sees something on the news, he says, only in Floriduh. He was born here, too. The same doctor delivered us and the same preacher married us but not to each other. LOL

We had our share of crazy too, especially on my dad's side. My grandfather and great-uncles ran moonshine too in southern Ohio! They were a rough bunch. The past was "spicier" than most people think. : )

yes, it was, but I would still rather live back then than now.

I bet a lot of men back then made shine.