Como están todos los que visitan siempre a esta hermosa
¨WednesdayWalkCommunity¨: que alegría poder compartir con todos otra hermosa caminata que hice en el predio que tengo cerca de casa en compañía de mis abuelos, a ellos les encanta caminar por aquí, y a mi me gusta mucho poder acompañarlos
Source: Family Álbum
How are all of you who always visit this beautiful
¨WednesdayWalkCommunity¨: What a joy to be able to share with everyone another beautiful walk that I did on the property that I have near my house in the company of my grandparents, they love to walk around here, and I really like being able to accompany them
Mi abuelo Luis es de esas personas que al caminar no habla, el es de la idea que si hablas cuando caminas te cansas más, y por lo que pude comprobar tiene razón, y creo que es por cuando hablas te cuesta más respirar y al esforzarte te casas más, o eso me parece, creo.
Source: Family Álbum
My grandfather Luis is one of those people who doesn't talk when he walks. He believes that if you talk while you walk, you get more tired. From what I've seen, he's right. I think it's because it's harder for you to breathe when you talk, and when you strain yourself, you get tired more. Or so it seems to me.
Contrario a sus costumbres, mientras caminábamos rumbo al predio mi abuelo estuvo hablando de una ¨leyenda¨ que es muy popular en mi ciudad, y se trata de un ¨duende¨ que habita en los bosques, lo que contaba no era algo aterrador, lo que hizo que pronto olvidara las cosas que el estuvo mencionando mientras caminábamos rumbo a este hermoso lugar
Source: Family Álbum
Contrary to his customs, while we were walking towards the property, my grandfather was talking about a "legend" that is very popular in my city, and it is about a "goblin" that lives in the woods, what he was telling was not something scary, which made me soon forget the things that he was mentioning while we were walking towards this beautiful place
Lo cierto es que, al llegar a la reserva y mientras mis abuelos hacían algunas fotografías decidí adelantarme, y allí estuvo mi equivocación, dado que, al llegar a la zona del predio, donde hay una pequeña ¨huerta¨ vi algo extraño, y eso me recordó las palabras de mi abuelo de como lucia el ¨duende¨ y los lugares que acostumbraba visitar
Source: Family Álbum
The truth is that, when I arrived at the reserve and while my grandparents were taking some photos, I decided to go ahead, and that was my mistake, since, when I arrived at the area of the property, where there is a small "garden", I saw something strange, and that reminded me of my grandfather's words about how the "elf" looked and the places he used to visit
Por poco el ¨miedo¨ me paraliza cuando vi esas figuras oscuras, y aunque no se dé donde reuní el valor para acercarme, pude comprobar de que se trataba de un ¨espantapájaros¨. Cuando mi abuela me alcanzo tomo su ¨teléfono¨ ¨móvil¨ ¨Motoe7plus¨ para hacer estas preciosas fotografías. Me encanta participar de este genial
Source: Family Álbum
I was almost paralyzed by ¨fear¨ when I saw those dark figures, and although I don't know where I gathered the courage to approach, I could see that it was a ¨scarecrow¨. When my grandmother caught up with me, she took her ¨mobile¨ ¨Motoe7plus¨ ¨phone¨ to take these beautiful photographs. I love participating in this great
Source: Family Álbum