Looking for mushrooms on a very special day (¨FungiFriday¨)

in FungiFriday6 months ago
Que alegría estar nuevamente en esta hermosa ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨:  No se imaginan el frio que ha estado haciendo en mi ciudad, esos que no tienes ganas de salir de la cama y mantenerte caliente, pero gracias a ¨Dios¨ ha calmado un poco y pudimos salir con mis abuelos en búsqueda de hongos, y pasarla bien en este día tan especial donde mi abuelo está cumpliendo años

Source: Family Álbum

What a joy to be back in this beautiful ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨:  You can't imagine how cold it has been in my city, those who don't feel like getting out of bed and staying warm, but thanks to "God" it has calmed down a little and we were able to go out with my grandparents in search of mushrooms, and have a good time on this special day where my grandfather is celebrating his birthday

Antes de salir de casa mi abuela me recomendó que llevara su teléfono móvil, pero saben que, no lo hice, y cuando estuvimos frente a este hongo, y Gaby quiso hacer las fotografías recordé que no lleve el teléfono, por esa razón utilizo la cámara de mi abuelo para hacer estas hermosas fotografías. Se trata de un hongo conocido como ¨Leucocoprinus¨ birnbaumii¨:  son de esos hongos que crecen en la corteza de los troncos de los árboles, y como pueden ver, en el ambiente aún se aprecia un poco de humedad en el ambiente

Before leaving home my grandmother recommended that I take his mobile phone, but you know what, I didn't, and when we were in front of this mushroom, and Gaby wanted to take the photographs, I remembered not to take the phone, for that reason I use my grandfather's camera to take these beautiful photographs. It is a fungus known as ¨Leucocoprinus¨ birnbaumii¨:  are one of those fungi that grow on the bark of tree trunks, and as you can see, there is still a little humidity in the environment

Source: Family Álbum

Mientras mi abuelo hacia un poco de caminata que le recomendó su ¨diabetóloga¨, aprovechamos con mi abuela Gaby y regresamos a casa en busca del móvil para hacer las fotografías, por suerte no vivimos muy lejos, y en menos de media hora estuvimos de regreso, al llegar al predio mi abuelo ya había localizado otro hermoso hongo, lo que significo que no hemos perdido tiempo por tener que regresar a casa y volver

While my grandfather was making a little walk that his "diabetologist" recommended, we took the opportunity with my grandmother Gaby and returned home in search of the cell phone to take the photographs, luckily we don't live very far, and in less than half an hour we were back, upon arriving at the property My grandfather had already located another beautiful mushroom, which meant that we didn't waste any time having to return home and come back

Source: Family Álbum

El hongo que encontró mi abuelo pertenecen al género conocido con el nombre de ¨Parasola¨ :  un tipo de hongo muy particular, tiene mucha similitud a una sombrilla. Me cuesta creer que al ser el tallo tan fino pueda soportar el peso y mantenerse en pie. Como pueden ver se desarrolla en el suelo y se alimenta de sedimento de madera distribuidos en la superficie

The mushroom that found my grandfather belong to the genus known as ¨Parasola¨:  a type of fungus very particular, it has a lot of similarity to an umbrella. It's hard for me to believe that since the stem is so thin, it can support the weight and stay upright. As you can see, it develops in the soil and feeds on wood sediment distributed on the surface

Source: Family Álbum

Este es otro de esos géneros que tienen muchas especies, y al juzgar por su apariencia diría que es conocido con el nombre de ¨Parasola¨¨auricoma¨:   Este hongo lo encontramos casi al pie de una planta de ¨mamón¨ en estado de descomposición, es probable que se desarrollara gracias a eso. Fue genial haber regresado en busca del teléfono ¨Motoe7plus¨ de mi abuela y hacer las tomas para este genial ¨FungiFridayContest¨:   de @ewkaw.

This is another one of those genera that have many species, and judging by its appearance I would say that it is known by the name ¨Parasola¨¨auricoma¨:   We found this fungus almost at the foot of a ¨mamón¨ plant in a state of decomposition, it is likely that it developed thanks to that. It was great to have returned in search of my grandmother's ¨Motoe7plus¨ phone and to take the shots for this great ¨FungiFridayContest¨:   by @ewkaw.


Source: Family Álbum


Both mushrooms are beautiful, each of them has its special appeal.
Your grandmother's photographs are beautiful.

Grandma is very good at taking photographs of mushrooms, both species are beautiful

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Hello ewkaw @qurator good morning
What a joy to receive all the support you give me. Thank you so much

Thank you very much @mnurhiver

Esos pompones blancos son hongos!!! Que bonitos y diferentes, me encantaron @miprimerconcurso 💗

Las dos especies son muy bonitas, pero las que mencionas se destacan mucho
Muchas gracias @avdesing

A vos gracias!

Great finds, the tiny white ones are so cute 🥰

Thank you very much @littlebee4

You are welcome 👋🏻😊

All pictures are beautiful 😍

Thank you very much lady @mysteriousroad

You're welcome 😁