How not to get excited about reserve mushrooms (¨FungiFriday¨)

in FungiFriday3 months ago (edited)
Me encanta esta hermosa ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨:  Porque tengo la oportunidad de enseñarles a personas que aman los hongos, las variedades que encontramos con mis abuelos cada vez que visitamos el gran predio

Source: Family Álbum

I love this beautiful ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨:  Because I have the opportunity to teach people who love mushrooms the varieties that I found with my grandparents every time we visited the large property

Lo bueno de este lugar es que es muy grande, y por más que visites todas las semanas, es tan grande que siempre se te pasa algún hongos y tienes la oportunidad de volverlo a ver la próxima vez que la visites, otra cosa que pasa regularmente, es que visitas un lugar cualquiera y no ves hongos, pero curiosamente cuando lo vuelves a visitar semanas más adelantes puede que los troncos o ramas este cubiertos de hongos, eso es maravilloso y es lo que me gusta de venia a buscar hongos aqui

The good thing about this place is that it is very big, and no matter how much you visit every week, it is so big that you always miss some mushrooms and you have the opportunity to see it again the next time you visit, another thing that happens regularly is that you visit a any place and you don't see mushrooms, but curiously when you visit it again weeks later the trunks or branches may be covered with mushrooms, that's wonderful and that's what I like about coming to look for mushrooms here

Source: Family Álbum

Algo así nos pasó la última vez que estuvimos aquí, pasamos por este tronco de planta de ¨coco¨ y no pudimos ver hongos, sin embargo, en esta oportunidad podemos ves estos preciosos hongos llamados ¨Gymnopilus¨:  no sé qué tendrá de especial la madera de este árbol, ya que siempre que vemos este tipo de hongos, están en troncos o ramas muy similar a este

Something like this happened to us Last time we were here, we passed by this "coconut" plant trunk and we couldn't see mushrooms, however, this time we can see these beautiful mushrooms called ¨Gymnopilus¨:  I don't know what's special about the wood of this tree, since whenever we see this type of mushrooms, they are on very similar trunks or branches to this one

Source: Family Álbum

Continuando con nuestra caminata por la extensa reserva dimos con un sendero que los llevo al corazón del predio, y muy cerca de salir a un claro del bosque dimos con esta segunda variedad de hongos que pertenece a los ¨Polyporaceae¨ :  este es uno de esos hongos que también se desarrolla en la superficie de madera, aunque estos han sido bastante más pequeños que los que hallamos habitualmente, aun así ha sido genial encontrarlos y enseñárselos a todos ustedes

Continuing with our walk through the extensive reserve we found a path that took us to the heart of the property, and very close to going out to In a clearing in the forest we found this second variety of mushrooms that belongs to the ¨Polyporaceae¨ :  this is one of those mushrooms that also develops on the wooden surface, although these have been much smaller than the ones we usually find, it has still been great to find them and show them to all of you

Source: Family Álbum

Se trata de una de las tantas especies de hongos que tiene este género, conocido como ¨Trametes¨versicolor¨:   un tipo de hongo hermoso de ver, tanto por su peculiar forma, como la combinación de los colores que tienen, aunque lo que más me gusta es que es un hongo que se le pude dar muchos usos en la ¨medicina¨. Que genial es a ver encontrado estas dos variedades de hongos para participar del ¨FungiFridayContest¨:   del señor @ewkaw. Las fotografías las hizo mi abuela Gaby con su teléfono ¨Motoe7plus¨.

This is one of the many species of fungi that this genus has, known as ¨Trametes¨versicolor¨:   a type of mushroom that is beautiful to see, both for its peculiar shape and the combination of colors it has, although what I like most is that it is a mushroom that can be used for many uses in "medicine". How great it is to see these two varieties of mushrooms found to participate in the ¨FungiFridayContest¨:   from Mr. @ewkaw. The photographs were taken by my grandmother Gaby with her phone ¨Motoe7plus¨.


Source: Family Álbum


It has been great to have visited the property and see these two beautiful species of mushrooms

It has been wonderful to have visited the reserve and found these beautiful mushrooms

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you very much ewkaw @qurator for the great support of my posts

Hermosas tomas todas, realmente tu abuela toma buenas fotos e increíble la cantidad de hongos!! Gracias @miprimerconcurso 😃

a mi abuela le encanta hacer fotografias, y mucho mas si son para mi, siempre esta pendiente de las fotografias que necesito para mis publicaciones
Muchas gracias @ avdesing

Muchas gracias a vos hermosa!

They all are so cute i would say. :)
Sending Love and Ecency Vote!

It's true they are beautiful mushrooms
Thank you very much @untilwelearn

That's a lot of brown fungi mushrooms. They look cool.

It is a beautiful colony, it has been great to find them
Thank you very much @naniplayergamer
