Acts, Smells, Fights - Dislikes Among Others

in Hive Learners4 months ago

"Do unto others what you want others to do unto you".
This rule came to mind while I was trying to think about the things I dislike most. It's funny how this came to mind though but the thing is, I tend to not do what I know I hate seeing others do so yeah, my Dislikes, just as much as I hate them, I make sure not to do it in any form to others.

I'm not the kind to hate literally everything that won't be of help to me or of others, I've seen people like that which I think isn't human friendly at all. But there are some things I wish everyone would put in mind and help each other.

I don't like a few things like loud talks, shinning bright lights into my eyes whether by mistake or playfully, poke nosing, drawing legs on the floor while walking and stuffs like that but these three things, I dislike most.

Arrogant & Pretence Acts


This got a lot to do with people's personality and of course, their background. They are two in one because they mostly go together when I witness any. It really gets me pissed off even if I don't say it to the person or people involved, when they act so arrogant like trying to prove they are who they think they are and bringing those around them down.

I'm from an average home, so people may think I find these set of people annoying because I'm not rich like them. Well, I beg to differ, money may be powerful but I doubt every possibility of causing me to be arrogant to others just because I have money. Not only money, people also use statuses, levels and wins to act arrogant and I hate to witness any of such happen.

Since I don't like it, I don't do it to others with hopes that I'll have less of such people around me.

Bad body or mouth odour

The two goes together, I hate bad smells from whatever it comes from. My sense of smell seem to not help me at all like it is helping some people, it senses literally anything no matter how brief the smell was. While others are yet to get what smells bad or good, my nose have sent me out of the place to recover my health.

Just so I don't smell anything bad close to me, I've become a regular in taking clean baths and using deodorants and perfumes. It's a shocking fact to me that some people do not use these and they scarcely take their baths... How do they expect to smell fine that way?



I know someone may be wondering how fighting can be one of the things I dislike, it has become a norm for people to fight when there is a disagreement but to me, I still don't get it. People not trying to sort conflicts with their mouths but using their fist instead. I'm not even talking about the war fights or the ones in movies, I mean, those ones siblings do among themselves and most annoyingly, the ones girls do over a guy they say they love.

For me, if words can't sort the conflict out, I'll go quiet and let anything play out which most times goes for the good of all of us. I've not seen cases where fights sort issues out, it only makes things worse until words comes to save the day again. I can only wish people stop resorting to fights but then, I won't be surprised to keep seeing scenes like that.

These are what I dislike but life happens and I'll have to just live with coming across them once in a while.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I think what's worse is being arrogant on top your parent's money. Pff..something that isn't even yours. But anyway, it's a really ugly attitude. Reminds me of one yeye girl I wanted to help and she was arrogant like I wanted to toast her. Me that I was thinking of my next post.

I can imagine o
Very funny set of human beings

So you were thinking of your next post, looter man 😂

Words is nice to dissolved any disagreement, getting into a fight might get one bruises and hitting on so many part's of the body, honestly, I stay away from it as well, if anybody want to fight with me, I run away because I don't want to get hurts for something we can settle with just words.

Exactly, a lot of fights has led to death. It's too risky to do for settlement.

Gosh, I dislike bad odors too, it doesn't cost much to smell nice, I wonder how some people are coping with some smells that ooze out of their bodies.

If you live with me, we would be quarrelling everyday over dragging foots on the floor, I am so used to it that I do it unconsciously sometimes🤣

It baffles me too o
I guess they don't smell the bad odour we smell from their body 😅

Omo! We will fight self, I will forget I hate fighting 🤣
Well, I've learned to manage with people who do it.

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