My Actifit Report Card: January 27 2024, Saturday.

in Actifit8 months ago

Hello Actifit Community! I hope everyone is feeling great and soaking up the positive vibes today. Just wanted to share a slice of my life with you all, particularly how a day unfolds in my little world, surrounded by nature's bounty. Today, it's all about gardening - a passion and a pastime that keeps me rooted (pun intended!). Join me as I walk you through my day, from the sun’s first light to the evening’s calm, and discover the simple joys of working with the earth

Armed with my trusty 'gagamas' – a short parang that's been my loyal companion in the garden, I set out to battle the unruly bushes that have been eyeing my vegetable patch a bit too keenly. There's something therapeutic about clearing the land; it's like setting the stage for a new act in nature's play.

As I work through the thicket, my mind dances with ideas of what to plant. Today, it's all about cucumbers and watermelons – two of my absolute favorites. The thought of crunchy cucumbers and juicy watermelons growing right here in my backyard brings a smile to my face. I can already taste the fresh salads and cool summer drinks. Planting them, I feel a connection to the earth, a sense of giving back what we take.

By noon, the hard work pays off – the area is cleared, looking more like a garden and less like a wild bush. Just then, my wife's voice rings out, calling me for lunch. It's perfect timing, as my stomach had started to sing its own tune of hunger.

Lunchtime is a welcomed break, a time to recharge and revel in the fruits of our garden. As I wash up and head inside, the aroma of home cooking greets me, a mix of earthy spices and fresh ingredients. My wife, the unsung hero of the kitchen, has prepared a feast.

The table is adorned with chicken sate, skewered and grilled to perfection, its flavors a testament to her culinary skills. There's cassava leaves freshly plucked from our garden, cooked in a way that only she knows, transforming them into a delectable dish. Accompanying these are steaming white rice, fried tuna fish that promises a crispy bite, and, of course, a bowl of chillies mixed with lime – a zesty companion to every meal.

Each bite is a blend of flavors, textures, and homegrown goodness. This meal isn't just nourishment; it's a celebration of the simple joys of life and the bounty of our garden.

With a belly full of delicious food and a heart full of gratitude, I’m ready to tackle the afternoon. The garden calls again, this time with a different agenda – planting corn. There’s something uniquely satisfying about growing corn; watching those tall stalks rise majestically, crowned with their golden bounty.

As I make my way to the designated corn area, a little figure scampers alongside me – Eiona, my daughter, with a curiosity as vast as the open sky. She's insistent on joining me, her little mind set on a snail-hunting adventure. Children find magic in the simplest things, and today, it's snails.

We work together, her laughter ringing through the air as she discovers the small wonders of nature. I dig and plant, while she explores, turning over leaves and peering into the nooks and crannies of our garden. It's these moments, amidst the dirt and greenery, that I cherish the most – uninterrupted time with nature and family.

Our work, however, is cut short as raindrops begin to pitter-patter around us. Eiona, in a delightful mix of excitement and panic, rushes to the house, taking my phone along – no more pictures for the day. But the rain doesn't dampen our spirits; if anything, it adds to the adventure. I continue my work, feeling the soft rain against my skin, enveloped in the fresh, earthy scent that follows a downpour.

The corn seeds are now nestled in the ground, ready to sprout, as I move on to distribute palm oil compost into the soil, preparing for the banana plants. Our garden is a never-ending project, a labor of love that knows no bounds.

As the afternoon wanes, the challenges of gardening take a new turn. The rain, while refreshing, makes the soil slippery and the tasks a bit more arduous. Yet, there's a rhythm to this rain-soaked work, a harmony between the elements and my endeavors. The droplets create a symphony on leaves and soil, a natural music that fuels my determination.

I'm spreading palm oil compost now, a rich, organic mixture that promises to nourish the soil. It's a messy job, but vital. Each shovelful I mix into the earth feels like I'm setting the stage for new life, preparing a fertile bed for the plants that will soon call this place home. The satisfaction of enriching the soil is unparalleled – it's the foundation of all that grows.

Banana planting follows. There's an art to it, a technique honed over time. Each banana sucker, carefully separated from the mother plant, is given a new home in the ground. It's a process of renewal, of continuation. The work is extensive; my hands, covered in soil and sweat, move with a purpose, guided by experience and a deep love for gardening.

Despite the day's end drawing near, there's still much to be done. But as the sun begins to set, casting long shadows and painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, I realize the beauty of this moment – working with nature, under the vast sky, is a privilege.

The day concludes as darkness embraces the garden. After ensuring the pets are fed and the house corridor is tidied, I wash away the day’s toil. Joining my family for dinner, we gather around the table, a small sanctuary where we share our day's stories.

As we eat, I reflect on the day's work – the challenges, the achievements, and the simple joys. Each day in the garden is a lesson in patience, perseverance, and the rewards of hard work. It’s these moments, surrounded by my loved ones, reminiscing and planning for tomorrow, that I cherish the most in my heart.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

173 cm
75.5 kg
Body Fat
91 cm
53.5 cm
71 cm


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