Hello, i was doing nothing when suddently i though why not explaining all the past project i started and failled or never even started.
Since we learn from faillure you might be able to learn a bit from my faillures. Or maybe, help me make these project succesfull if you have the answer to my issues. If you know how to fix an issue or suggestion for the showcased don't hesitate and comment it. If you had idea or started a failed bussiness, post it and tag me somewhere in the post so i can see what other done too.
In today showcase, i wanna present you @memess.curator. This is a succesfull and failed project at the same time.
Before explaining why, let me explain what it is.
@memess.curator, was a curation account. I didn't want to make just curate posts. I wanted to do a sort of vote faucet. Kinda like droida.ch from @droida
Why it didn't work ?
Because, at the start i didn't think of making a website so i had a simple idea. If you mention the account in your post i would give a vote. But the lack of users made me abandon the voting. I hadn't enough interaction on my posts at that moment to make it work.
Then i though of making a website, but i never found a way to make it on a free hoster. I mean i made tge text box the button ect but didn't know how to make :
Either when you click the button a script give an upvote, either when you click the link is sent to a file and i manualy do the votes. The second one should be easyier but not practicall.
You can still mention the account and i give the upvotes mamnually in under a week. Last "bot" "update" was 10 month ago and last time i tried to make the website was 1 year ago.
Will i make it work one day ? I don't know.
I won't lie, i would like making it but i don't know if i will achieve to make it.