My Actifit Report Card: September 4 2024: An unforgettable experience.

in Actifit5 months ago

Good day dear friends. Am considering it as a powerful and mighty privilege to share my daily activities with you all my fellow hivers.

Also, whenever i read you guys post, i do feel refreshed and i do learn from you too.

In today's story respecting my activities, what i witnessed today threw me into amazement because never have i witness or see people experiencing this kind difficult time in my locality.

Now, let me drop the full information.

Few days ago, fuel price increased beyond imagination and people started crying, pleading to those in authority to do something on their behalf.

Anyway, the price was #950 (which is 4.6 hive per liter) but today, the price increaes to #1100 per liter (its now about 6 hive per galon.

So, after doing all my morning chores, i got prepared and dressed up to fulfill my appointment with a friend who is about travelled abroad.

On my way comes this surprising activity. Take a look at the images below 👇.

image by @marajah

image by @marajah

image by @marajah

Did you notice that the road is quite lonely with few vehicle? Its not easy. Things are really hard presently here in Nigeria because of this fuel price. But one thing is sure, we must endure to the end.

image by @marajah

After enjoying my cool conversation with her, i boarded a tricycle back home. But I must confess that I trekked some distance with foot so as to reduce the cost. Lolz.

On my way, i raised up my eyes heavenward and the appearance of the sky captivated my eyes. Lets enjoy them together.

image by @marajah

image by @marajah

image by @marajah

My people, thats all for today. See you guys tomorrow by God's grace.

Its already 9:53 pm here. Therefore, am saying good night to you all till tomorrow. Byeeee.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on




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