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RE: Emergency Loans: Is It Worth It?

in Hive Learners7 days ago

But since they have their own trees, it is enough for them to try to return their natives to their lands. The trees of Madrid, in Madrid, and those who live in Sweden stay there. Unless you now want to move to Sweden, in which case you have to study the situation and see what Swedish hugs are like (I don't know).

Then get completely drunk, half things don't work.😂


I've been told that the other half of things don't work either. I don't know what to do. 😨

I think you only know half of what you should do, so you must be half satisfied. 😂

One half of me said, lie down; the other half said, wait for manclar's answer. And another half said: pay no attention to these two halves. As I was not able to understand the latter half, I listened to the second half. And now, after waiting, I can say: until tomorrow (your tomorrow), because I am already living in your tomorrow.