[3Shorts] Spontaneous photo session with a lovely couple

in Photography Lovers7 months ago

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Today I want to share another video of my photography dynamic where I approach strangers on the street and take some portraits. This time I photographed a lovely couple.

In this video, I went to a different location, as the managers of the Ciro Store invited me to their establishment to take some pictures. They told me that it was full of people because the new rechargeable fan had arrived and many people had come to buy it, so it was a good opportunity to do the dynamic there with the permission of the Ciro store.

Walking through the store I saw this couple who looked adorable, so I decided to approach them and ask if I could take a couple of pictures of them and they happily said yes.

First I took a couple of pictures of them together:

Hoy les quiero compartir otro video de mi dinamica de fotografia donde me acercó a desconocidos en la calle y les hago fotografias, esta vez fotografié a una amorosa pareja.

En este video fuí a una locacion diferente, pues los administradores de la Tienda Ciro me invitaron a su establecimiento a hacer unas fotos. Me dijeron que estaba lleno de personas debido a que habia llegado el nuevo ventilador recargable y muchas personas habian ido a comprarlo, asi que era una buena oportunidad para hacer la dinamica allá con el permiso de la tienda Ciro.

Caminando por la tienda vi a esta pareja que se veia adorable, asi que decidí acercame y preguntarles si les podia hacer un par de fotos y ellos muy contentos dijeron que si.

Primero les hice un par de fotos juntos:



And suddenly they started to overflow with love and the pictures were very tender!

Y derrepente comenzaron a desbordar amor y las fotos quedaron muy tiernas!





They were super happy and excited with this free photo session, so I asked them if I could take a couple of pictures of them separately and they said yes, I started with the boy:

Ellos estaban super felices y emocionados con estas sesio de fotos gratis, asi que les pregunté si les podia hacer un par de fotos por separado y dijeron que si, comencé con el chico:




And then I took a couple of pictures of the girl, she was a little shy because there were several people watching us haha

Y luego le tomé un par de fotos a la chica, ella estaba un poco timida porque habian varias personas mirandonos jaja





And that's how I spontaneously did a photo shoot for this adorable couple, both they and I were very happy with the results!!

I hope you liked these photos as much as I did.

Y asi fue como le hice una sesion de fotos de manera espontanea a esta adorable pareja, tanto ellos como yo quedamos muy contentos con los resultados!!

Espero que estas fotos les hayan gustado tanto como a mi.



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Lovely shots. Love the great big smiles. Nit forced, but very natural.

Yeahh they were very happy!