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RE: The two sides of the story, why we need to study more the history of an event.

in Hive Learners2 months ago

I find it really concerning when people are adamantly choosing one point before understanding the bigger picture. However,it's justified because that's the conclusion they ended up understanding or coming to.

We tend to have this very black and white reasoning as I'd like to think we're conditioned to be that way. For example, at schools we're taught about the good vs evil but rarely asked to question something in the middle. So, it's really ingrained in our education that only if we go to some form of higher learning, we'll learn about the gray side of it all.


Schools are usually the biggest tools used by governments to guide their population to a way of thinking. Thats how they massify knowledge! It is rare to find independent teachers who have the freedom to teach what they learned in a very neutral way. I was a teacher back in Brazil, not history, but I know that a teacher in Brazil could have more freedom of teaching different from a dictatorship country where if the teachers goes off the rail can be sent to jail. But even being a teacher in a democratic country you need to follow all the topics that the school and country intend for their student to learn.