Subfamily Epidendroideae

in Nature Observer8 days ago
Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Subfamily EpidendroideaeSeptember 25 2024Buket Alue Puteh, Aceh, Indonesia


The Epidendroideae subfamily is one of the most diverse and interesting groups of orchids in the world, there are more than 10 thousand species belonging to this subfamily, and because this ultimately makes it one of the largest subfamilies in the order Orchidaceae, are you an orchid fan? If you have the desire or desire to plant a pot of orchids on the terrace of the house or other places in the yard, I think you need to consider adding this orchid to your list, I have several reasonable reasons that can be used as arguments for making it. You believe that this orchid needs to be collected.

Orchid flowers from this subfamily usually have a unique shape and striking color, and this can attract the attention of anyone, especially flower fans and flower researchers, some species also have a distinctive aroma, apart from that, orchids from this subfamily are also easy to find. For cultivation, they can grow in various weather conditions, so it is not surprising if you have found this orchid growing in tropical forests and even in drier places, because most orchids from this subfamily have epiphytic properties, growing on other trees without harming them. the host tree, the growth of orchids is very different from harmful parasitic plants.




Camera usedsmartphone
PhotographySubfamily Epidendroideae
LocationBuket Alue Puteh

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