My Gaming Activity and Progress on Craftink Idle Mode: My Result and Rewards + Focus on INK and HIQS Market Value (ENG/ITA)

in LeoFinance7 months ago


Logo Craftink owned by @craftink - Edit by @libertycrypto27 - Fonts used are Open Source


La versione in italiano è subito dopo la versione in inglese - The Italian version is immediately after the English version


My Gaming Activity and Progress on Craftink Idle Mode:

The results and rewards of my season 20 played with 2 teams

+Focus on INK and HIQS Market Value


Today I return to share my game activity and strategy on Craftink Idle Mode which is a Hive idle game that precedes the full Craftink game that is not yet playable because it is under development and will not be an idle game but will be a play to support game with game mechanisms similar to Yu-Gi-Oh and Magic The Gathering.


Idle games are not among my favorite games and for this reason I am interested in the Cratink game but while waiting for the Crafting game to be developed and released I continue to play on Craftink Idle Mode.

On Sunday, February 18, 2024, the season 20 of Craftink Idle Mode ended.
Starting with season 19 I doubled my game activity because I created a second team that I manage with my curation account for SPT tokens (@libertygame27) and thus season 20 was my second season playing with two teams = two accounts.

On Craftink there are 4 different types of NFTs:

  • character
  • fillink
  • item
  • react

In the idle mode version, only character-type NFTs and fillink-type NFTs can be used.
To start playing you need to have a minimum of 15 Fillink NFTs + 5 character NFTs although to have a team with a good chance of finishing in the awarded positions in the seasonal competition groups it is preferable to have at least 18 Fillink type NFTs in my opinion.

My two teams have different playing stats because my first team is stronger than the second team.

My main team consists of 5 Sprayers and:

  • has a total cost in Fillink = 40
  • has a Dice Power score = 20 (maximum reachable score at the current stage of development)


The my second team consists of 3 Crypto Hackers + 2 Photographers and:

  • has a total cost in Fillink = 19
  • has a Dice Power score = 7


On Craftink Idle Mode a team with maximum game stats has a good chance of finishing among the top positions of one of the seasonal groups but does not guarantee the certainty of finishing in first place, and this is something I consider very positive because it increases the fun and curiosity in seeing the results of the seasonal matches.

In fact, the **most important elements to have a good chance of finishing the season in first place of a group ranking are 2:

  • having a team with the highest game stats = Dice Power = 20.
  • being lucky in the random assignment of opponents of the season's playing group.

The practical demonstration of what I just wrote is the season result of my main team which, even though it has maximum game stats, finished season 20 in third place in the group 2 ranking behind players @golddiggernrw (first place) and @mary-me (second place) whom I congratulate.


I am happy with the season result that my second team achieved because, although it has much lower game stats than my first team (Dice Power = 8), it finished season 20 in fourth place in the group 3 ranking


In the next image you can see all the results of the matches I played in season 20 with both my teams.


I hope in the coming seasons to sometimes even get first place because players who finish the season in first place in each group receive 1 booster pack in addition to the highest amount of INK and HIQS tokens.
8 out of 10 players are rewarded in each group** and I, thanks to the season results of my two teams received a season reward consisting of:

  • 168 INK + 140 INK
  • 2.79 HIQS + 2.29 HIQS



Based on the current market value of the HIVE token ($3.33) and based on the market value (Highest Bid) of the INK tokens ($0.0023) and HIQS tokens ($0.064), I received a seasonal reward of Total Value = 3.14 SWAP.HIVE = $1.04


I improved the value of my seasonal reward compared to the previous season: $1.04 VS $0.87

During season 20 I did not purchase Booster Packs but today I made the best purchase offer on Hive Engine to purchase 1 INKCEO = 1 Booster pack for 5.22 SWAP.HIVE.


If my purchase offer is accepted I will open the booster pack immediately with the goal of improving the game stats of my second team.

I like to monitor the value of the tokens of the projects I follow or have invested in and I will conclude this post by sharing the difference in value of INK and HIQS tokens recorded over a 7-day time interval: February 12, 2024 - February 19, 2024.

The last 7 days were positive for the dollar value of the HIVE token, which recorded an increase in value = +$0.016 = +5.05%

The INK token has registered the following changes in value against the dollar over the past 7 days:

  • Highest Bid value: -3.28%
  • Lowest Ask value: +15.75%


The HIQS token recorded the following changes in value against the dollar over a 7-day time interval:

  • Highest Bid value: +1.46%
  • Lowest Ask value: -0.68%


Sharing my game activity and progress on Craftink Idle Mode ends here and I hope I have given you useful information and thank you for taking the time to read my post.

If you also want to play on Craftink and are wondering what is the minimum investment to start playing you can read a previous [post] of mine ( in which I calculated the minimum investment cost to start playing on Craftink Idle mode.

image.pngPost link: Craftink: Calculation of Minimum Investment Cost to Start Playing + My 10th Season Results and Rewards! (ENG/ITA)




CraftInk Game:
Hive Account: @craftink
INK Market:
CraftInk Marketplace:
Partnership: HiQ - The Hivestyle Magazine
Video Tutorial (Building Team) by @ravenmus1c:

Video Tutorial (CraftInk Tutorial #1 - CraftInk Overview) by @ravenmus1c:


Important Note


Blockchain-based games that allow people to buy and sell game assets (tokens and NFTs) are not just games but are also investments and should be treated as such!

In any type of investment there is always a risk factor to evaluate and consider.
I am not a financial advisor and the information contained in this post is not financial advice.
Before investing in a blockchain-based game you should always do your own research and personal evaluations.

My advice is to always only invest what you can afford to lose with a light heart!


Unless otherwise indicated, the images in this post are screenshots taken from the sites:

The fonts used in the images related to the calculations and in the images edited by me are Open Source

Images containing formulas, tables and calculations are my property

The dividers with the Hive logo in this post were created by me and if you like them you can use them too, the Hive logo is property of



Italian Version copia.jpg


La mia attività di gioco e i miei progressi su Craftink Idle Mode


Oggi ritorno a condividere la mia attività di gioco e la mia strategia di gioco su Craftink Idle Mode che è un Hive idle game che precede il gioco completo Craftink che non è ancora giocabile perchè è in fase di sviluppo e che non sarà un idle game ma sarà un play to support game con meccanismi di gioco simili a Yu-Gi-Oh e Magic The Gathering.


Gli idle games non sono tra i miei giochi preferiti e per questo motivo sono interessato al gioco Cratink ma nell'attesa che il gioco Crafting venga sviluppato e rilasciato io continuo a giocare su Craftink Idle Mode.

Domenica 18 febbraio 2024 è terminata la stagione 20 di Craftink Idle Mode.
A partire dalla stagione 19 ho raddoppiato la mia attività di gioco perchè ho creato un secondo team che gestisco con il mio curation account per i token SPT (@libertygame27) e quindi la stagione 20 è stata la mia seconda stagione in cui ho giocato con due teams = due accounts.

Su Craftink ci sono 4 tipologie diverse di NFT:

  • personaggio
  • fillink
  • item
  • react

Nella versione idle mode è possibile utilizzare solo gli NFT di tipo personaggio e gli NFT di tipo fillink.
Per iniziare a giocare è necessario avere un minimo di 15 NFT Fillink + 5 NFT personaggio anche se per avere un team con buone probabilità di terminare nelle posizioni premiate nei gruppi delle competizioni stagionali è preferibile avere almento 18 NFT di tipo Fillink secondo me.

I miei due teams hanno statistiche di gioco differenti perchè il mio primo team è più forte del secondo team.

Il mio team principale è composto da 5 Sprayer e:

  • ha un costo totale in Fillink = 40
  • ha un punteggio Dice Power = 20 (punteggio massimo raggiungibile)


Il mio secondo team è composto da 3 Crypto Hacker + 2 Photographer e:

  • ha un costo totale in Fillink = 19
  • ha un punteggio Dice Power = 7


Su Craftink Idle Mode un team con statistiche di gioco massime ha buone probabilità di terminare tra le prime posizioni di uno dei gruppi stagionali ma non garantisce la certezza di arrivare al primo posto e questo è un elemento che considero molto positivamente perchè aumenta il divertimento e la curiosità nel vedere i risultati dei matches stagionali.

Infatti gli elementi più importanti per avere buone probabilità di terminare la stagione al primo posto del ranking di un gruppo sono 2:

  • avere un team con le statistiche di gioco massime = Dice Power = 20
  • essere fortunato nell'assegnazione casuale degli avversari del gruppo di gioco stagionale

La dimostrazione pratica di quello che appena scritto è il risultato stagionale del mio team principale che, anche se ha statistiche di gioco massime, ha terminato la stagione 20 al terzo posto del ranking del gruppo 2 dietro ai giocatori @golddiggernrw (primo posto) e @mary-me (secondo posto) a cui faccio i complimenti.


Sono contento del risultato stagionale che ha ottenuto il mio secondo team perchè, anche se ha statistiche di gioco molto inferiori rispetto al mio primo team (Dice Power = 8), ha terminato la stagione 20 al quarto posto del ranking del gruppo 3


Nell'immagine seguente puoi vedere tutti i risultati dei matches che ho giocato nella stagione 20 con entrambi i miei teams.


Spero nelle prossime stagioni di arrivare qualche volta al primo posto perchè i giocatori che concludono la stagione al primo posto di ogni gruppo ricevono 1 booster pack oltre al quantitativo più alto di token INK e HIQS.
In ogni gruppo vengono premiati 8 giocatori su 10 e io, grazie ai risultati stagionali dei miei due teams ho ricevuto una ricompensa stagionale composta da:

  • 168 INK + 140 INK
  • 2.79 HIQS + 2.29 HIQS



In base al valore attuale di mercato del token HIVE (3.33$) e in base al valore di mercato (Highest Bid) dei token INK (0.0023$) e dei token HIQS (0.064$) ho ricevuto una ricompensa stagionale del valore totale = 3.14 SWAP.HIVE = 1.04$


Ho migliorato il valore della mia ricompensa stagionale rispetto alla stagione precedente: 1.04$ VS 0.87$

Durante la stagione 20 non ho acquistato Booster Packs ma oggi ho effettuato la migliore offerta di acquisto su Hive Engine per acquistare 1 INKCEO = 1 Booster pack per 5.22 SWAP.HIVE.


Se la mia offerta di acquisto sarà accettata aprirò subito il booster pack con l'obiettivo di migliorare le statistiche di gioco del mio secondo team.

Mi piace monitorare il valore dei tokens dei progetti che seguo o in cui ho investito e concludo questo post condividendo la differenza di valore dei token INK e HIQS registrata in un intervallo di tempo di 7 giorni: 12 febbraio 2024 - 19 febbraio 2024.

Gli ultimi 7 giorni sono stati positivi per il valore in dollari del token HIVE che ha registrato un aumento di valore = +0.016$ = +5.05%
Il token INK ha registrato le seguenti variazioni di valore rispetto al dollaro negli ultimi 7 giorni:

  • Highest Bid value: -3.28%
  • Lowest Ask value: +15.75%


Il token HIQS ha registrato le seguenti variazioni di valore rispetto al dollaro in un intervallo di tempo di 7 giorni:

  • Highest Bid value: +1.46%
  • Lowest Ask value: -0.68%


La condivisione della mia attività di gioco e dei miei progressi su Craftink Idle Mode termina qui e spero di averti dato informazioni utili e ti ringrazio di aver dedicato il tuo tempo alla lettura del mio post.

Se vuoi giocare anche tu su Craftink e ti stai chiedendo qual'è l'investimento minimo per iniziare a giocare puoi leggere un mio precedente post in cui ho calcolato il costo minimo d'investimento per iniziare a giocare su Craftink Idle mode.

image.pngPost link: Craftink: Calculation of Minimum Investment Cost to Start Playing + My 10th Season Results and Rewards! (ENG/ITA)




CraftInk Game:
Hive Account: @craftink
INK Market:
CraftInk Marketplace:
Partnership: HiQ - The Hivestyle Magazine (@hiq.magazine)
Video Tutorial (Building Team) by @ravenmus1c:

Video Tutorial (CraftInk Tutorial #1 - CraftInk Overview) by @ravenmus1c:


Nota Importante


I giochi basati su blockchain che permettono di acquistare e vendere assets (NFTs e tokens) non sono solo giochi ma sono anche investimenti e come tali devono essere trattati!

Io non sono un consulente finanziario e le informazioni contenute in questo post non sono consigli finanziari
Prima di investire in un gioco basato su blockchain devi sempre fare le tue ricerche e le tue personali valutazioni.

Il mio consiglio è di investire sempre e soltanto quello che puoi permetterti di perdere a cuor leggero!


Se non diversamente indicato, le immagini presenti in questo post sono screenshots presi dai siti:

Le immagini che contengono formule, tabelle e calcoli sono di mia proprietà

Il font usato nelle immagini relative ai calcoli e nelle immagini da me editate è Open Source

The dividers with the Hive logo in this post were created by me and if you like them you can use them too, the Hive logo is property of



Posted Using InLeo Alpha


!hiqvote (che è anche a tema) !LOL e !PGM

I risultati del secondo team continuano ad essere sorprendenti! Sia qui che su Genesis League sembrano essere baciate dalla fortuna le tue seconde squadre ahahah

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO - 0.005 SCRAP - 0.001 INK tokens

remaining commands 8


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

What do you call a religious ceremony with one person?
Single service.

Credit: reddit
@libertycrypto27, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of arc7icwolf




You must be killin' it out here!
@entrepidus just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @libertycrypto27.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/2 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO - 0.005 SCRAP - 0.001 INK tokens

remaining commands 14


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

My roommate keeps saying that our house is haunted.
But I've lived here for last 216 years, and haven't heard anything unusual.

Credit: reddit
@libertycrypto27, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of entrepidus

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP


Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO - 0.005 SCRAP - 0.001 INK tokens

remaining commands 4


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444


This post has been selected for upvote from our token accounts by @giuatt07! Based on your tags you received upvotes from the following account(s):

- @dhedge.bonus
- @dhedge.leo
- @dhedge.bee
- @dhedge.pob
- @dhedge.slothbuzz
- @dhedge.alive
- @dhedge.oneup

@giuatt07 has 0 vote calls left today.

Hold 10 or more DHEDGE to unlock daily dividends. Hold 100 or more DHEDGE to unlock thread votes. Calling in our curation accounts currently has a minimum holding requirement of 100 DHEDGE. The more DHEDGE you hold, the higher upvote you can call in. Buy DHEDGE on Tribaldex or earn some daily by joining one of our many delegation pools at

@arc7icwolf, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (1/1) and will start the voting trail.

In addition, @libertycrypto27 gets !PIZZA from @hiq.redaktion.

For further questions, check out or join our Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻


You must be killin' it out here!
@bitcoinflood just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @libertycrypto27.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Amazing work King @libertycrypto27, bitcoinflood(1/6) is impressed by the energy and effort you put into this post. Your contributions are truly appreciated.

you rock! and @bitcoinflood knows it, that's why he sent you this gift of 50.0 EXP to remind you how great you are.

BTW! EXP! is the token that will unlock the full experience of our games and give you access to all the rewards

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO - 0.005 SCRAP - 0.001 INK tokens

remaining commands 1


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

@libertycrypto27! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bitcoinflood. (1/20)

@libertycrypto27! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ bitcoinflood. (1/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.


You have received a 1UP from @bitcoinflood!

The @oneup-cartel will soon upvote you with:
@oneup-curator, @leo-curator, @bee-curator, @pimp-curator, @thg-curator, @vyb-curator, @pob-curator
And they will bring !PIZZA 🍕.

Learn more about our delegation service to earn daily rewards. Join the Cartel on Discord.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@curation-cartel(14/20) tipped @libertycrypto27
bitcoinflood tipped libertycrypto27

This post has been manually curated by @steemflow from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating to @indiaunited. We share more than 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators in the form of IUC tokens. HP delegators and IUC token holders also get upto 20% additional vote weight.

Here are some handy links for delegations: 100HP, 250HP, 500HP, 1000HP.


100% of the rewards from this comment goes to the curator for their manual curation efforts. Please encourage the curator @steemflow by upvoting this comment and support the community by voting the posts made by @indiaunited.



You must be killin' it out here!
@captainquack22 just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @libertycrypto27.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO - 0.005 SCRAP - 0.001 INK tokens

remaining commands 9


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

It’s good to know that you got some seasonal rewards but how many season do you get to play in a day?

Bravo, My Gamer! You are really good at it. I have been trying to enter but I don't really understand the technical know- how of some of these games.

It looks like you are doing well. Good luck getting 1st place on one of your accounts for the booster packs.


Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO - 0.005 SCRAP - 0.001 INK tokens

remaining commands 1


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

Why did the parents not like their son’s biology teacher?
He had skeletons in his closet.

Credit: marshmellowman
@libertycrypto27, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of gameexp

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP